




1.第六世纪 Fifth century 第五世纪 Sixth century 第六世纪 Seventh century 公元七世纪 ...


1.Iran has been a state since the creation of the Persian empire in the sixth century BC.伊朗,自从公元前6世纪创建波斯帝国以来,一直是一个独立的国家。

2.The Image of Edessa was reported to contain the image of the face of Christ, and its existence is reported repably since the sixth century.伊多莎的肖像据说是某个基督肖像的脸,自十六世纪以来,他的存在报道相对可靠。

3.One of the nine choirs of angels, as accepted on lore and determined by the sixth century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite .他们在普遍接受的知识中是九个级别的天使之一,也被六世纪的神学家狄奥尼修斯所确立。

4.The castle began as a Visigoth fortification in the sixth century and was taken over in turns by the Romans and the Moors.这座城堡最初在十六世纪时作为西哥特人的要塞,曾被罗马人和摩尔人轮流接管。

5.I think by the time the Spartans appear to us in history, let us saylate in the sixth century and fifth century, the ephors don't do that.我认为斯巴达人在历史上出现的时候,就让我说六世纪晚期和七世纪,监督官不做那些事。

6.By the sixth century A. D. , Assyrians had begun exporting back to Byzantia their own works on science, philosophy and medicine.到公元六世纪,亚述人开始向拜占庭出口他们的科学,哲学核医学著作。

7.Scientists studying historical weather patterns have discovered that in the mid-sixth century, Earth suddenly became significantly cooler.研究历史上气候模式的科学家发现,在第六世纪中叶,地球突然发生过大幅度温度下降的现象。

8.As recorded in a historical book of the sixth century, in ancient times, there pved a man named Huan Jing.据六世纪时期的一本史书上记载,在古代,有个叫桓景的人。

9.The saint-to-be came to Iona in the sixth century, exiled from Ireland, bringing Celtic Christianity to Scotland.公元六世纪时,还不是圣人的哥伦巴从爱尔兰被流放至此,给苏格兰带来了凯尔特基督教。

10.But with the introduction of Buddhism into Japan in the sixth century, the pagoda underwent a fundamental change in design.而自公元六世纪佛教传入日本后,这些宝塔在设计上发生了根本的改变。