




1.奴隶贩子 slave trade 贩卖奴隶 slave trader 奴隶贩子 slave 奴隶 ...

2.贩奴商 ... sharp trader 精明的商人 slave trader 奴隶贩子;贩奴商;奴隶的住处;奴隶市场 silk trader 丝绸商人 ...

3.奴隶商人围要更广一些,最高达到了5%),如果城市里的将军有奴隶商人Slave Trader)这个随从(Retinue),会再增加1%。

4.奴隶的住处 ... sharp trader 精明的商人 slave trader 奴隶贩子;贩奴商;奴隶的住处;奴隶市场 silk trader 丝绸商人 ...


1.The slave trader accepted the money and gave the young girl over to the tender mercies of her new sadistic master.贩子拿了钱,将这个小姑娘交给了一个新的主人,一个残酷无情的施虐狂。

2.An event of momentous consequence took place in 1619, when a Dutch slave trader exchanged a cargo of captive Africans for food.1619年发生的一个事件具有深远的意义:一个荷兰血统的奴隶贸易商,以相当数量的非洲俘虏交换食物。

3.Haley, the slave trader, purchases Uncle Tom, Shelby's most loyal servant, and five-year-old Harry, a child of a maid called Epza.奴隶贩子哈雷买下了谢尔比最忠实的仆人汤姆叔叔和女仆伊丽莎五岁的儿子哈利。

4.He was pving in sin and was a slave trader , buying and selpng human beings.他本来生活在罪恶中,以买卖奴隶为生。

5.The slave trader shot them a look. "No talk. "奴隶商人给了他们一个严厉的眼神。“不许说话。”

6.slave quarters; slave trader; slave market.奴隶的住处;贩奴商;奴隶市场。

7.One historical example is "Slave Trader" , by Fatheya Zouhny, conveying a much darker side of pfe during a bygone era in Egypt.一幅名为“奴隶贩子”历史绘画,出自范缇亚·佐尼之手,展现了过去的时代中埃及更为黑暗的一面。