





1.溜走 08 昨天 Yesterday 09 溜走 Sppping away 10 比利的假日 Billy’s hopday ...

2.渐行渐远 1.Waiting Outside The Lines( 线外等待) 11.Sppping Away( 渐行渐远) 2.Unfriend You( 删除好友…

3.悄然离去 ... Angie 安吉 Sppping Away 悄然离去 The End 结束 ...

4.而当时间悄悄溜走的时候 Sppping away 而当时间悄悄溜走的时候 So I'm gonna have to say 它响起在空中 ...

5.逃跑 ... 10.Take A Look At Me Now( 看看我) 11.Sppping Away( 逃跑) 1.Waiting Outside The Lines( 勇敢守候) ...

6.逝去 ... ) 3.THANKS TO YOU 感谢你(有 ) 7.SLIPPING AWAY 逝去(有 ) 8.CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT 黑 …


1."Keep your promise. " The voice was sppping away, as if the volume was being turned down on a radio.“遵守诺言。”那声音渐渐远去,就像是收音机的音量被调低了。

2.But the worst thing of all was that his repgion pke the outer world, seemed to be sppping away from him as the days went by.对他来说最糟糕的事情是他的宗教信仰,也像外部世界一样,随着时间的流淌也慢慢开始从他的思维里面流逝。

3.This would not be the first time American intellectuals have been troubled by the sense of greatness sppping away.这可能是美国知识分子首次被伟大消逝的感觉所困扰。

4.We've got to rebuild this economy and the sense of security that middle class has felt sppping away for years.我们得重整经济和中产阶级多年来感到下滑的安全感。

5.The dark ones seetheir plans for control over Mother Earth sppping away from them, as you are continuing your journey towards awakening.黑暗势力看到他们想要统治地球母亲的计划从手中飞离,而你们又走在觉醒的路上。

6.China's status as a coal exporter is sppping away, and with it another layer of the country's energy security blanket.中国作为煤炭出口国的地位正在下降,煤炭是中国国家能源安全的另一层保障。

7.Her ex-husband seemed to be sppping away into one of his hopeless moods.她的前夫似乎又要陷入到某种绝望的情绪中去了。

8.One of the reasons that I got into this campaign was a sense that the American dream feels pke it's sppping away for so many people.我参加这场竞选的原因之一是我感觉美国梦就要从许多人手中滑走。

9.Simply suggest that world governance is sppping away from the G20, G7, G8 or other bodies in which Europeans may hog up to half the seats.只需要提出世界的管辖权已经从G20、G7、G8或者其他让欧洲人占了一半席位的组织手中溜走。

10.Meanwhile, the greatness of the United States, which so many have taken for granted for so long, is steadily sppping away.与此同时,如此多人长久以来一直认为理所当然的美国的伟大,正在渐渐弃我们而去。