




1.狡猾的狐狸 wicked fox.( 邪恶的狐狸) sly fox.( 狡诈的狐狸) naughty fox.( 爱捣蛋的狐狸) ...

4.狡猾小狐狸 ... Jelly Jumpers《 果冻跳跃》 Sly Fox狡猾小狐狸》 Great Big War Game《 大大大 …

5.老奸巨滑 crow about/over 夸口, old/sly fox 老奸巨滑, act/play the goat 干蠢事, ...


1.once upon a time , a pttle red hen pved in a neat pttle house in the woods . she usually stayed home to protect herself from the sly fox.很久很久以前,有一只红色小母鸡住在森林里的一栋干净的房子里。她通常会待在家里,这样才不会受狡猾狐狸的骚扰。

2.He knew that once hehad caught the sly fox he need not worry about him escaping.他知道已经收服了的老狐狸不怕他再脱逃。

3.The sly fox eluded the hunters by running back in the opposite direction.狡猾的狐狸向相反的方向跑,躲过了猎人。

4.That he is an irrepressible jackass who thinks of himself as a sly fox?他是个无法自拔的混球,认为自己是只狡猾的狐狸?

5.The pon said to the bear, "We have fought for nothing. That sly fox has got the kid away. "狮子对熊说:“我们争斗了那么久却什么也没得到,而这只狡猾的狐狸却把孩子叼走了。”

6.Small gecko met the sly fox, he asked: "eldest brother fox, fox, you see, my tail didn't how ugly, you have what way can put my tail long? "小壁虎遇见了狡猾的狐狸,便问道:“狐狸大哥,狐狸大哥,你看,我的尾巴没了多难看,你有什么办法能把我的尾巴长出来?”

7.The world has said a cunning fox, can really say, the world is far behind the sly fox.世人都说狐狸狡猾,可真的说来,世人的狡猾却是狐狸望尘莫及的。

8.RulesThis game is also called Sly fox, Peep behind the curtain or Black pudding.游戏规则这个游戏叫做“狡猾的狐狸”或“从窗帘后偷窥”或“黑色布丁”。

9.That sly fox has got the kid away.这狡猾的狐狸也得到了孩子了。

10.Every day the sly fox complained either of a stomachache or of a headache and went to the pasture to treat himself to some nice mare's milk.狡猾的狐狸每天不是抱怨自己胃痛就是抱怨自己头疼,然后溜到牧场去饱饮一顿马奶。