




1.石内卜 ... “Snape 教授,您好。” “Dobby 不能说,快走吧!危险在圣诞节后马上来临…

4.斯内普教授ward)”以及另一部儿童畅销小说《哈利波特》中“斯内普教授Snape)”的形象,并将两者的英文名巧妙的结合在一起,从而 …

5.斯赖普教授长邓布利多的名字源自古英语,原意是‘大黄蜂’;至于斯赖普教授(Snape)这个名字则是英格兰某个地方的地名。”“此外,有时 …

6.内谱etekuty) 、山姆普森(Sampson) 和斯纳普Snape) 等。


1.When the flask was full to the brim, and Snape looked as though there was no blood left in him.当烧瓶被装满的时候,斯内普看上去仿佛流失了全部的血液。

2.Snape did not look at Bellatrix. His black eyes were fixed upon Narcissa's tear-filled blue ones as she continued to clutch his hand.斯内普没有去看贝拉特里克斯,他乌黑的眼睛紧紧盯住纳西莎那满是泪水的蓝色双眼,而她继续紧攥着他的手。

3.He happened to get a book that before Professor Snape have been used , and with this book as the teacher's pet.他偶然得到了斯内普教授以前用过的一本书,并凭借这本书成为了老师的宠儿。

4.Why should he be afraid of Snape? Getting up, he told Ron and Hermione he was going to ask Snape if he could have it.他为什么要害怕斯内普?于是,他站起来对罗恩和赫敏说,他要去问问斯内普能不能把书还给他。

5.When Harry tries to discover the truth about his past, Snape yells at him and throws him out of the door.当哈里试图发现关于他的过去的真相,斯内普骂他,抛出他的门。

6."I noticed, in my search of the park, that considerable damage seems to have been done to a very valuable Whomping Willow, " Snape went on.“我在检查花园时发现,一棵非常珍贵的打人柳似乎受到了很大的损害。”斯内普继续说。

7.if Snape had been looking at him pke that he'd have been running as fast as he could in the opposite direction.如果斯内普用那样的眼神看着他,他早就撒开双腿,拼命朝相反方向跑去了。

8.Harry back to hogwarts. Snape made defense against the dark arts classroom, slughorn professor to teach potions.哈利回到了霍格沃茨。斯内普做了黑魔法防御术的教室,斯拉格霍恩教授教授魔药学。

9."And do they feed you bread and water, as well? " ? Snape asked drily , beginning to be very angry.“然后他们也用粗茶淡饭伺候你?”斯内普干巴巴地说,开始感到愤怒。

10.For the third time, Charity Burbage revolved to face Snape. Tears were pouring from her eyes into her hair.查瑞丽·伯比奇的脸又一次转向了斯内普,她的眼泪涌了出来,直流到头发里。