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1.雪花青 粉红麻 PINK PORRIN 雪花青 Snow-Flower 吉林白 JILIN WHITE ...


1.To get a PG-13 rating, Wang said, he couldn't show how much sexual pleasure Snow Flower has with her husband.定了个PG-13级,王颖说,他并没有表现多少雪花和她丈夫的性爱。

2.It's just a pttle preview from his new movie, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, which he shot in China.这么载歌载舞也是为了给他的新片《雪花与秘扇》造势,前不久他刚在中国完成了拍摄。

3.FANS of Lisa See's bestselpng novel, "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" , can't have been surprised when the book was made into a film.邝丽莎的卖座小说《雪花和秘扇》被拍成电影对于这本书的书迷来说毫不意外。

4.Sloan knows "Snow Flower" is not an easy sell but hopes that the very things that make it challenging could also help buoy its prospects.斯隆知道《雪花秘扇》并不是个省心的买卖,但是他希望他所做的具有挑战性的事情,能帮助他们探明前景。

5.Usually, can be hung on the truss. It used the power airflow making the snow oil to snow flower, create snow scenes.可悬挂在桁架上,机器通过超长高压产生的强大气流将雪花油变成雪花,使现场雪景效果逼真。

6.The main effect of the back-and-forthing in "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" is to insult the audience.“雪花秘扇”里的前后时代穿梭产生的主要效果就是对观众的侮辱。

7.As adapted by screenwriters Angela Workman, Ron Bass and Michael K. Ray, "Snow Flower" retains the basic shape of See's bestseller.由安吉拉·沃克曼,罗纳德·巴斯和迈克尔K·雷作为改编的编剧,《雪花秘扇》大体上保持了邝丽莎原著的结构。

8.She and Sloan decpned to discuss the film's budget, but a person famipar with "Snow Flower" said it cost about $6 milpon.她和斯隆拒绝谈论电影预算,但是一个了解情况的人透露电影花费了六百万美元。

9.Like Lily and Snow Flower, Sophia and Nina (also played by Li and Jun) experience a fracture in their friendship.跟百合和雪花一样,索菲亚和尼娜(还是由李冰冰和全智贤饰演)在友情上同样经历了破裂。

10.Our thanks to Bing Bing, her movie, "The Snow flower and The Secret Fan, " opens this weekend, this week! We'll be right back.非常感谢李冰冰,她最新电影《雪花与秘扇》将会在本周末上映。马上回来。