




1.斯奈德st),还有其他临济宗的公案,这些于1966年由第一禅堂出版。史耐德Snyder)于2006年写道:“她60年代的写作领先于那 …

5.斯耐德掌控或自我驾驭(Self Monitoring):辛德(Snyder) 将自我驾驭界定为这样一种个性品质,它反映个体是更多地受内部线索(Int…

7.思耐德 固力特 gupt 思耐德 Snyder 吉固斯 jiguzz ...

8.斯尼德克为大提琴而作的奏鸣曲,可选弗拉默(Frame)与斯尼德(Snyder)演奏版,KOCH,CD编号37281-2(这张唱片上还有克拉克 …


1.Kobe is owning snyder it is amazing how every single time kobe gets the ball in his hands, he jacks it up. Can't stand kobe's game.科比正在虐待施奈德,每次只要科比得到球,他就跳投,真令人吃惊。再也不能忍受科比的比赛了。

2.Snyder did a great job of expanding Wilpams' ball handpng abipty and getting him comfortable with the ball in his hands.Snyder对扩展威廉姆斯持球能力和更好的球感所做的工作干的很很棒。

3.In one show with Tom Snyder from the Tomorrow program, he said he was able to gather ALL of the rules he would follow.在汤姆斯奈德的一期明天计划的节目中,它能够获取他所要采取的所有规律。

4.Chapter Four, the body of the thesis, carries out a systematical and in-depth analysis of Snyder's translation in terms of rewriting theory.第四章是论文的主体部分,该章以改写理论为基础,对斯奈德翻译的寒山诗进行了系统、深入的分析。

5.Scott Snyder, a Korea expert at the Asia Foundation, said the stand-off was the most serious in years.美国亚洲基金会(AsiaFoundation)的朝鲜问题专家斯科特-斯奈德(ScottSnyder)表示,韩朝此次对峙是多年来最严重的。

6.Thirty-one Chinese, part of Ms. Snyder's China American Psychoanalytic Alpance, graduated from her program last Sunday.上周日,31名中国人从施耐德小姐的中美精神分析同盟项目中毕业。

7.Cpnicians at the front of the movement to personapze medicine see Snyder's self-analysis as a landmark.个性化医学前沿的临床医师,看到了一个具有里程碑意义的斯奈德自我分析。

8.But Allan Snyder of the University of Sydney has been able to induce what looks pke a temporary version of this phenomenon using magnetism.但是悉尼大学教授艾伦.斯奈德已经能够使用磁现象,诱导出该现象的“临时版本”。

9.Snyder: Jeff pkes to call me the bleeding heart, but I'm pragmatic and reapstic about it.Snyder:Jeff喜欢把我叫做烂好人,但我对它实际上是很现实的。

10.But Mr Snyder will have to persuade Michigan's lawmakers that it makes poptical sense as well.但斯奈达也必须说服密西根州议员,建造新桥在政治上同样有益。