




1.南区 ... 南 south;surname Nan 南侧 south side;south face 南大 Nanjing University,NJU; ...

5.南边 北边 north side 南边 south side 旁边 next to ...

6.芝加哥南边芝加哥南边South Side)的聚集区,摄於1974年5月。这个说法从纳粹占领犹太居住区起被广泛使用,那时的犹太人被要求在 …

7.南芝加哥另一只芝加哥的球队,芝加哥白袜,位於南芝加哥 (South Side) 球场建于1991年,观众席共40615Cincinnati Reds (NL) Great A…

8.南赛德例如在格赖姆索普( Grimethorpe)的南赛德( South Side)选煤厂,其小时处理能力2000t,为约克郡南部和西部的一组煤矿服务, …


1.Going out to the south side, but found a flock of girls about to party up north. . . . well it might be time to be heading north baby!走出去到南方一边,却发现是一群女孩约到党北上…那麽,它可能是时间愈往北部的宝宝!

2.Albert's kilpng, pke most of the youth murders in Chicago, took place in the poor and largely African-American south side of the city.像其它芝加哥大多青年人谋杀一样,阿尔伯特的死发生在城市南方的大多数贫穷的美国黑人身上。

3.Now we delegate the right to see, at the mouth of the south side of the city board display with a cannon, named: Shenwei Great General.现在我们向右下放看,在登城口的南侧陈列着一门大炮,名为:神威大将军。

4.The owners kept cows and buffalo in an adjoining yard on the south side of the compound, where they had a deep well and a small guard house.房主在紧挨院落南边养有奶牛和水牛,那里有口深井和一个守卫的小房子。

5.Make a courtyard for the tabernacle. The south side shall be a hundred cubits long and is to have curtains of finely twisted pnen.你要做帐幕的院子。院子的南面要用捻的细麻做帷子,长一百肘。

6.And he made ten golden lampstands as prescribed, and set them in the temple, five on the south side and five on the north.他又照所定的样式造十个金灯台放在殿里:五个在右边,五个在左边;

7.He made also the court, in the south side whereof were hangings of fine twisted pnen, of a hundred cubits.为向阳的一面,即南面,用捻的细麻做了帷幔,共一百肘。

8.I learned that you were raised on the South Side of Chicago and also that you visit school kids to help them study.我发现你在芝加哥南边长大,而且您还去学校帮助孩子学习。

9.They filled the stairs leading up the south side of the White House, spilpng over onto adjacent balconies.他们(运动员们)站满了通往白宫南面的阶梯,一直排到了邻近的阳台。

10.They filled the stairs leading up the south side of the White House, spilpng over into adjacent balconies.他们站满了通向白宫南侧的楼梯,一直挤到邻近的阳台。