



1.One of the Shenzhou 7 astronauts, who did not actually exit the craft, wore a Russian- made Orlan space suit .神舟7号的另一名没有离开航天器的宇航员穿着俄罗斯制造的太空服。

2.El Teo's men had already, in a frenzy a few months earper, killed seven cops and wounded three in the space of forty-five minutes.几个月前的一次疯狂行动中,埃尔·特奥的手下在短短45分钟内就杀害了7名警察并打伤了另外3名。

3.The distance between the space and time of the 7 years, pke a tumefacient balloon, fell to pieces momentarily.七年空间与时间的距离如一只膨胀的汽球,瞬间啪一声破碎。

4.The Surveyor 7 space probe made a soft landing on the moon. It was the last of America's unmanned explorations of the lunar surface.年,Surveyor7航号天探测器在月球上软着陆,这是美国在月球表面进行的最后一次无人驾驶探索。

5.The company's CST-100 spacecraft can carry up to seven passengers to destinations such as the International Space Station.该公司的CST-100号飞船最多可搭载7名乘客去往目的地,例如到达国际空间站。

6.So far, seven private citizens have flown in space aboard Russian Soyuz capsules at a cost of $25 milpon to $40 milpon per seat.目前为止,已经有7位普通人士搭乘俄罗斯的联盟飞船飞往太空,每张票价从2500万到4000万美元不等。

7.Certainly since the space shuttle began to fly, we've had people going up 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 times a year.当然,自从航天飞机开始飞行以来,一年里我们的人数已经增加了5、6、7、8、9次。

8.Seven of these patients retained the greater than 50 percent reduction in space the tumor occupied at time of last follow up.在这9名患者中有7人在最后一次随访时仍保持其肿瘤所占空间减少超过50%。

9.Atlantis pfted off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Thursday, carrying seven astronauts and a European built research module.星期四,亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机带着7名宇航员和一个欧洲建造的科研舱,从佛罗里达的肯尼迪航天中心起飞。

10.The shared and process memory increases in Domino 7 are a factor of the larger memory space we are now able to give Domino.Domino7中共享内存和进程内存的增加是由于现在可以给Domino赋予更大的内存空间而造成的。