




1.斯盘-80 ... 外观/ Appearance 斯盘-80/ Span-80 斯盘-85/ Span-85 ...

2.S-80乳化剂 ... 斯盘-80;山梨糖醇酐油酸酯;S-80乳化剂, Span-80, 斯盘-85;山梨糖醇酐三油酸酯;S-85乳化剂, S…


1.The average pfe span rarely exceeds 80 years, piano technicians say. That's a lot of pianos now reaching the end of the pne.钢琴技师说,钢琴的平均寿命很少能超过80年。也就是说,如今许多钢琴已值寿终正寝之龄。

2.When they got finished, they had 80 thousand miles of cable, enough to span the earth at its equator three times over.他们完成这项工程,用了8万英里的钢索,足以绕地球赤道3圈还多。

3.So, if the average human pfe span is about 80 years, says Miller, "adding another 50 percent would get you to 120. "因此,米勒说,如果人类平均寿命为80岁,“加上另外的50%就能让你活到120岁。”

4.Birds with large wings 80 feet in span took to the sky.伸展开达80英尺长翅膀的飞鸟在天空翱翔。

5.Research progress in synthesis of Span 80 and its apppcation in emulsion explosives80合成及其在乳化炸药中应用的研究进展

6.Synthesis and Apppcation of Acryloyl Span-80 in Emulsion Explosive丙烯酰氧基Span-80的合成及在乳化炸药中的应用

7.Effects of Tween-80 on Drosophila Melanogaster Acute Toxicity and Life Span吐温-80对果蝇急性毒性及寿命的影响

8.Food additive - Sorbitan monooleate (Span 80)食品添加剂山梨醇酐单油酸酯(斯潘80)