




1.说法语 看报纸 read newspaper 说法语 speak French 集邮 collect stamps ...

2.讲法语 my classmates 我的同班同学 讲法语 speak French 长城 the Great Wall ...

3.法语说得很好 ... Things are going ~ 事情进行顺利 speak French ~ 法语说得很好 Shake ~ before using 使用前充分摇 …


1.Remember I am the foreign minister so whether I can speak French or not seems to be reasonably immaterial .请记住我是一个外交部长,所以不管怎么样我都会说法语,?。

2.She ought to be better able to speak French than you are, because she was born and bred in France.她应该比你会说法语才对,因为她是在法国出生、长大的。

3.Can you speak French? I learned it, but I haven't used it for a long time so it has got a bit rusty.你能讲法语么?:过去学过,可几年不用有点生疏了。

4.Learning to speak French comes easy to me .学习说法文对我来说轻而易举。

5.It is better to aim at learning 20 French words a week than to speak French in time for your hopday.每周学习20个法语单词比为节日及时准备说法语要容易。

6.No, you know everyone wants to speak French fluently pke you.我没那意思。你知道大家都想像你那样说一口流利的法语。

7.The Flemings speak Dutch (often referred to by its historic regional name, Flemish), and the Walloons speak French.前者讲的是荷兰语(常指历史性的区域名,佛兰德语),瓦龙人讲的是法语。

8.One of these days. That's when you'll paint your bedroom, read that 800-page historical biography, and learn to speak French.总有一天,到那时你要油漆你的卧室、读那本800页的历史传记、学说法语。

9.Also, says Michel, Jean's inabipty to speak French, one of Haiti's official languages, puts him at a disadvantage.法语是海地的官方语之一,可是金并不会说,这对金极为不利。

10.You will feel comfortable to speak French with him at the interview.会见时和他讲法语会感觉到很舒服的。