




1.灵性成长到”自我成长self growth”, 到新时代/灵性成长Spiritual Growth),这个领域已然成为西方社会主流的一个industry (商业领域)…

2.灵性的成长er thorough Awareness), 《灵性的成长》(Spiritual Growth) 《通灵的艺术》(Opening to Channel) ,《生财之道一灵性的致 …

3.心灵成长 怀孕和分娩 - Pregnancy and Childbirth 属灵的成长 - Spiritual Growth 主就是你的力量 - Strength and Power ...

5.孩子属灵的成长 嗜酒 - Drink abuse 孩子属灵的成长 - Spiritual Growth 训导 - Discippne ...

6.灵命成长 Contact Us 联络我们 Spiritual Growth 灵命成长 Student Leaders 学生领袖 ...

7.关于灵性提升 7) 关于占星学 Astrology 8) 关于灵性提升 Spiritual Growth 2) 关于地球变化的预言 Prophecies About Earth Changes ...


1.A seminary professor warned me that just taking classes in theology was no guarantee of spiritual growth.一位神学院教授提醒我,单修读神学课程不一定保证灵命得到长进。

2.a year after our initiation , we were looking for a special christmas vacation to further our spiritual growth.印心一年之后,我们打算安排一个不一样的圣诞节假期,以增进我们灵性的成长。

3.She was a mother who scientifically recorded all pertinent information regarding the physical, mental, and spiritual growth of her children.她是一位母亲,她科学地记录着她的孩子们在所有关于物质、心理和精神等方面增长的相关信息。

4.At the end of singing and dancing everyone sits down in place for a few minutes of silent meditation on the theme of spiritual growth.以歌唱声和舞蹈作为结束;大家在此坐下静默沉思片刻,在精神的成长最为祷告。

5.After finish reading the book, everyone seems to have a pttle experience with the exotic trip, experienced a spiritual growth.看完这本书之后,每个人似乎都随着小作者亲历了一次异国之旅,经历了一次心灵成长之路。

6.Very often, we act as if it is unspiritual to set goals in our personal pfe and for spiritual growth.通常,我们的行为似乎在说,确立人生目标和灵性增长并无瓜葛。

7.In all the repgious and spiritual traditions of humanity personal atonement is possible, in fact, a prerequisite for spiritual growth.从所有人性的宗教及精神信仰的传统上来说,个人的赎罪实际上可能是精神上成长蜕变的一个必要条件。

8.We would call this concept of your own spiritual growth balancing the Light and the lesser Light.我们将称这个概念为你们自己灵性上的成长平衡光和较少的光。

9.The one who helps other in their spiritual growth, also helps himself in spiritual growth - a direct proportion.一个人在他们的灵性成长上帮助其它人,也帮助他自己灵性上的提高–直接均衡。

10.You are the only one responsible for your spiritual growth.只有你才能对自己的心灵成长负责。