




1.春秋时期 educationapst 教育家 Spring and Autumn period 春秋时期 Benevolence 仁 ...

2.春秋时代 Zhou Dynasty 周朝 Spring and Autumn Period 春秋时代 Qin Dynasty 秦朝 ...

3.春秋战国有特定的词,有人翻译成brotherhood,参照春秋时期的翻译Spring and Autumn period),体现的是朝代交替,时代变幻无 …

5.春秋五霸 ... (Spring and Autumn Period 孔子 春秋五霸 骊山烽火). (Wu Zetian 武媚娘 李世民 刘晓庆 陈宝国). ...



1.Spring and Autumn period, Zhouzhuang in the territory for the king of the manor shake minority carrier, said the city shake.春秋战国时期,周庄境内为吴王少子摇的封地,称摇城。

2.In the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Wu defeated the State of Yue, and took the king of Yue, Gou Jian, and his wife prisoner.春秋时代,越国被吴国打败了。越王勾践和他的妻子都被带到吴国做苦工。

3.Bamboo Bow of the Spring and Autumn Period: The arch was made of a single piece of bamboo, so it was called monomer bow.文物:春秋竹弓,弓臂用单根竹材弯曲而成,称为单体弓。

4.Taishan is one of five mountains, the ancient name "Zong" , the beginning of Spring and Autumn Period, said Tarzan.泰山是五岳之一,古名“岱宗”,春秋时始称泰山。

5."Disarmament conference" held in the song kingdom in Spring and Autumn period was the primary form of arms control diplomacy.在中国古代的春秋时期,宋国发起的两次“弭兵会议”就是早期的军控外交;

6.In the Spring and Autumn Period, a man in the State of Jin took a fancy to a bronze bell and wanted to steal it.春秋时代,晋国有一个人看中了别人的一口铜钟,想把它偷回自己家里。钟又大又重,抱不动也背不动。

7.Fan Li was an illustrious general of the State of Yue during the Spring and Autumn Period.相传春秋时期,范蠡帮助越王勾践打败了吴国。

8.Zhuan Zhu of the Wu State was an assassin in the late years of the Spring and Autumn Period.颛朱吴国家是一个刺客在晚年的春秋。

9.It first appeared in the wars of the Spring and Autumn Period and was used for miptary purpose.它最早出现在春秋时期的战争和被用于军事用途。

10.The Shin family of the State of Lu was the inferior aristocrat's representative in the Spring and Autumn Period.春秋时期鲁国施氏是为数众多的中、下等贵族的代表。