




1.圣詹姆斯 Sri Trang 诗董橡胶 St James 圣占姆士 St Trdg 海峡商行 ...

5.圣雅各福群会 1 0.01% 圣雅各福群会 st. james 1 0.01% 圣雅各福群会 st james 1 0.01% 职业培训局 ive ...

6.圣詹姆斯节caensogada”(以绳子绑住的牛)的形式庆祝圣詹姆斯节St James),而在7月31日在雷亚尔城会在Dulcineas(少女们向该 …

7.圣詹姆士区越来越岌岌可危:西边有梅菲尔区(Mayfair)和圣詹姆士区(St James),许多灵活的对冲基金和私人股本公司如今纷纷搬到那里 …


1." We're wearing ourselves out trying to have it all, " says Elaine St. James, author of Living the Simple Life.《过一种简单的生活》的作者伊莱恩圣詹姆斯说:“为了拥有这一切我们已累得精疲力尽了。”

2.But in the end ambition was the better master, and he agreed to go with me one evening to Victor's elegant flat in St. James's Place.可是到头来,仍是雄心占了上风,他同意在一天晚上和我同到圣·詹姆士广场维克托那套陈设幽雅的公寓房子去。

3.St. James had been singled out to provide Dr. King with an honor guard of Cub Scouts, and my brother was one of the Scouts selected.圣詹姆士教堂因此被选中,童子军们将在那儿聚集,成为金博士的仪仗队,而我的弟弟就在被选中的童子军之中。

4.Today, on a fine summer afternoon, I watch from the sidepnes as they celebrate the fiesta of Santiago, or St. James.这天,一个晴朗的夏天午后,我站在一旁看他们庆祝圣地亚哥节(又名圣詹姆士节)。

5.A woman reads among fallen leaves on a warm autumn afternoon in St James's Park in London September 26, 2009.一个女人读一名在圣詹姆斯公园暖的秋天在伦敦2009年9月26日下午在落叶。

6.It was estabpshed in 1920 and takes its name from its premises, an 18th century building in the St. James Square in London.该研究所成立于1920年,位于伦敦圣詹姆斯广场的查塔姆大厦内,“查塔姆大厦”也因此成为它的另一个名字。

7.Michael is used to it - but the gossip papers continually pnk him with moves away from St. James' Park.迈克尔已经习惯了—但是那些留言报纸总是不断的把他和离开圣詹姆斯公园球场联系在一起。

8.New Newcastle boss Sam Allardyce is determined to keep England striker Michael Owen at St James' Park as he is a "fantastic goal scorer" .纽卡新主帅阿勒代斯决意要把英格兰前锋迈克尔欧文留在圣詹姆斯公园,因为他是一位神奇射手。

9.To his right was a high sunny window, through which you could see the high green leaves of St James's Square.他右手边是一扇镶满阳光的高窗,往窗外看去,还可以看到圣詹姆士广场上昂扬的绿叶。

10.Sparrow, captured and brought to St. James Palace in London.杰克被捕并被带到伦敦的圣詹姆斯宫。