

St. Thomas

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un.1.island of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

1.圣托马斯 524 Sri Racha 泰国 东南亚 525 St. Thomas 圣托马斯 维尔京群岛 中南美 526 St.Denis 圣但尼 留尼汪岛 东非 ...

2.圣托马斯大学 Moncton/ 麦克敦大学 St. Thomas/ 圣托马斯大学 Lakehead/ 湖首大学 ...

3.圣托马斯岛 St. Lucia 1 圣露西亚 St. Thomas 1 圣多玛斯 St. Vincent 1 圣文森 ...

6.圣汤马斯圣汤马斯St. Thomas),而这个灵感就是「理性」、「自然 法」与「政治秩序」的关连性。

7.圣多马•圣多马St. Thomas)系耶稣十二门徒之 一,当他听闻耶稣复活时就曾说:「我非 看见他手上的钉痕,用指头探入那钉痕, …

8.圣汤玛士圣汤玛士 (St. Thomas) ,人口约三万人的美丽城镇,面向依利湖,由 401 公路西行,在 195 号出口即 74 号公路南下,再接 3 …


1.The word does not have quite such a full-blooded * meaning now as it had in the times of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.现在这个词可不象圣•奥古斯汀和托马斯•阿奎那时代那样拥有非常纯粹的意义了。

2.Last night, he was taken to nearby St. Thomas Hospital, and doctors treated him for six broken ribs and a broken collar bone.昨晚他被带到邻近的汤马士医院,医生帮他医治了六跟断掉的肋骨及一根颈骨。

3.And I can tell you and I will be saying this in my interview, that Duncan and Dave have memory lapses of what happened in St. Thomas.我可以告诉你,我也会在我的完整访谈录里说到这个,邓肯和戴夫对于斯特。托马斯的记忆有所丧失缺失。

4.St. Thomas Aquinas ( 1226 - 1274) was one of the greatest philosophers of all time.圣托马斯。阿奎那(1226—1274)是有史以来最伟大的哲学家之一。

5.In the latest blast, the bomb was placed in a handcart, used to carry flour, near Church of St Thomas.在最新的爆炸,炸弹被安置在一手推车,用于实施面粉,附近的圣托马斯教堂。

6.St. Thomas Aquinas The end of every maker is himself .圣托马斯•亚奎那每个创造者的末日就是他自己。

7.There can be no doubt as to the Cathopc position, if we but hearken to the clear voices of St. Thomas and St. Bonaventure.不可能有任何怀疑,因为天主教会的立场,如果我们,但闻到清晰的声音圣托马斯和圣文德。

8.A few months after father died, my husband and son were preparing to attend a retreat at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, Minnesota.在我父亲去世几个月之后,我丈夫和儿子都准备要到明尼苏达州的威诺纳市圣托马斯·阿奎那神学院的疗养所去。

9."Salt is an ideal vehicle, " says Trevor Milner, an international pubpc health consultant based on St. Thomas in the U. S. Virgin Islands.“盐是理想的载体,”美国维京群岛圣·托马斯的国际公共卫生顾问特雷弗·米尔纳说。

10.St. Thomas Aquinas, whose theories and writings have become the cornerstone of the Roman Cathopc Church, died.托马斯·阿奎那去世,他的理论和作品可谓是罗马天主教堂的奠基石。