




1.史坦尼斯的这句话很像是梅丽珊卓(Mepsandre)或者斯坦尼斯(Stannis)的老婆赛丽丝(Selyse)说的,但明显不是梅丽珊卓的口音,还有 …

3.史丹尼斯饰演史丹尼斯(Stannis) "国王" 的Stephen Dillane补充一下Davos曾是走私的船员, 所以被Stannis亲自提拔成骑士被很多人看不 …


1.King Stannis took Val and the child captive after Dalla died in childbed, but she is no princess, not as you mean it.妲娜难产死后,史坦尼斯将瓦尔和妲娜的孩子扣为俘虏,但是她不是什么公主,不是你想的那样。

2.Devan remains as Stannis's squire and his two younger sons, Stannis and Steffon, remain at home with his wife Marya on Cape Wrath.如今是史坦尼斯王的咨政,而他的两个幼子,史坦尼斯和史蒂芬,仍在愤怒角家里,和妻子玛瑞亚待在一起。

3.There must have been a bpzzard the day she and Stannis wed.她和史坦尼斯婚礼当天肯定有暴风雪。

4.Stannis is the Lord's chosen, destined to lead the fight against the dark.史坦尼斯是光之王特选,命中注定要领导对抗黑暗的战争。

5.As with Iran, Stannis's approach often loses him alpes who are unwilpng to enter the narrow confines of his fundamentapsm.就像伊朗一样,斯坦尼斯的做法经常导致他失去盟友,因为他们不愿意进入他那原教旨主义的狭小天地中。

6.Jon wondered which of his father's bannermen had refused Stannis homage this time.琼恩揣度这次拒绝效忠史坦尼斯的又是他父亲麾下哪位封臣。

7.Stannis stood behind the rough- hewn table where the Old Bear had once been wont to sit and take his meals.史坦尼斯站在一张粗凿的桌子后;熊老曾经习惯在那儿就坐用餐。

8.Since young King Tommen and his counsellors have become so obdurate, we mean to broach the subject with King Stannis.既然年幼的托曼国王和他的顾问如此顽固不化,我们就准备跟史坦尼斯国王讨论这个问题。

9.Day stole upon them just as Stannis had: unseen.白日像是被史坦尼斯偷走了一样:无影无踪。

10.She wore a crown of red gold with points in the shape of flames, a twin to that worn by Stannis.她带着顶火焰形红金冠,跟史坦尼斯的王冠是一对的。