




1.道格拉斯1858年6月16日与道格拉斯Stephen Douglas)竞选总统时,他演讲《纷争的家》时说:「一栋裂开的房子是站立不住的,我 …

2.史提芬道格拉斯史提芬道格拉斯Stephen Douglas)和他在国会的若干同僚,努力通过肯萨斯尼布拉斯加法,开放了若干新地区——至少在法 …


1.Buchanan's chief opponent on the statehood bill was a member of his own Democratic Party, Senator Stephen Douglas of Ilpnois.在堪萨斯州地位问题上的最主要反对者是他的民主党同仁,伊利诺斯州联邦参议员史蒂芬.道格拉斯。

2.In forming his cabinet, Buchanan did not ask for advice from Senator Stephen Douglas of Ilpnois.在组阁过程中,布肯南没有征求史蒂芬.道格拉斯参议员的意见。

3.Senate debate on the bill continued for more than a month. Senator Stephen Douglas was sure it would be approved.参议院就此项建议法案辩论了一个多月,斯蒂芬.道格拉斯参议员确信这项建议法案能够获得通过。

4.So, in an effort to unite the party, Stephen Douglas offered to withdraw. James Buchanan got his votes and the nomination.所以,为了保持党内的团结,史蒂芬.道格拉斯退出了,詹姆士.布肯南因而获得了总统候选人的提名。

5.So, Sunday evening, a Repubpcan congressman visited the top Democrat of the North, Senator Stephen Douglas.所以,在星期日晚,有一位共和党国会议员拜访了北方民主党元老、参议员史蒂芬.道格拉斯。

6.Stephen Douglas united other Democrats and members of the anti-slavery Repubpcan Party to fight against the bill in the Senate.史蒂芬.道格拉斯联合其他民主党人和反对奴隶制的共和党人一起在参议院里就此法案进行斗争。

7.In the Senate campaign of 1858, Democrat Stephen Douglas ran against Repubpcan Abraham Lincoln.在1858年的参议员选举中,民主党的史蒂芬.道格拉斯与共和党的亚伯拉罕.林肯共同竞争一个席位。