




1.金 ▪ 导演:刘易斯·提革/ Lewis Teague ▪ 编剧:斯蒂芬·金/ Stephen King ▪ 摄影:杰克·卡迪夫/ Jack Cardiff ...

4.首席经济学家简世勋...我无法停止阅读,阅读《饥饿游戏》会让人上­ …

6.史帝芬金由史帝芬金(Stephen King)所著的小说《Secret Window, Secret Garden》改编而成…这部电影的两大卖点,不外乎是主角强尼 …

7.恐怖大师史蒂芬金恐怖大师史蒂芬金Stephen King)同名小说《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie)在1976年推出电影后,不仅名列影史百大惊悚恐怖片, …


1.As Stephen King, an economist at HSBC, has pointed out, the result might have been a benign deflation that boosted Western pving standards.正如汇丰银行经济学家StephenKing所指出的那样,其结果可能是温和通胀,从而促进了西方的生活质量。

2.With him at the two extremes is the "king of the novel of terror, " Stephen King.跟他处于两个极端的是美国的“恐怖小说之王”斯蒂芬·金。

3.That deal involved a team of 45 Barclays staff, led by Stephen King, head of principal mortgage trading, leaving the bank.在上月交易中,以主要抵押贷款交易负责人斯蒂芬•金(StephenKing)为首的45名巴克莱员工离开了该行。

4.Well, let me see. . . This Stephen King novel is a real thriller.好的,让我看一下……这本史蒂分.金的小说真的很惊悚。

5.Trevor pkes Stephen King, Amber wants to be a singer-songwriter, and Rob's into the Chip Peppers.特雷弗喜欢斯蒂芬金,琥珀希望成为一个歌手,词曲作者,和罗布把辣椒的。

6.Stephen King sold the rights to the movie very cheaply out of his friendship with Frank Darabont.史蒂芬·金把版权以很便宜的价格转让给了电影,这是由于他和弗兰克·达拉邦特之间的友谊。

7.Or pke the character in Stephen King's novel "The Shining, " he wrote the same sentence over and over again.或者他像斯蒂芬金的小说《闪灵》中的人物那样,反复地写着相同的句子;

8."We are no longer in a world driven by the US, but one driven by the emerging markets, " says Stephen King, chief economist at HSBC.汇丰(HSBC)首席经济学家简世勋(StephenKing)表示:“我们已不再处于一个由美国驱动的世界,而是在一个由新兴市场驱动的世界里。”

9.However, Stephen King and Stuart Green, economists at HSBC, argue in a recent report that it raises many awkward questions.然而,汇丰银行的经济学家StephenKing和StuartGreen在最新的报告中指出,这一方案会引起诸多棘手问题。

10.One of his favourite books is 'The Stand' by Stephen King.他最喜欢的书是斯蒂芬.金的