




1.斯托克城 名字:新特兰 Sunderland 名字:史笃城 Stoke City 名字:般尼 Burnley ...

3.斯托克城队)在下半 球追平比 ,免於在主 落 , 以1比1 史托克城Stoke City)言和,在英格 超 分38分,比降 高出三分。

5.史托克城队下半场进球追平比数,免於在主场落败,终场以1比1与史托克城队Stoke City)言和,在英格兰超级联赛积分38分,比降级 …

6.客场斯托克城客场斯托克城(Stoke City) 8-0(2000.11) 利物浦最大比分失利记录 所有比赛伯明翰城(Birmingham City)…


1.Kenny Dalgpsh insists he has no issue with Stoke City's style of football - insisting it is up to their opponents to deal with it.肯尼达格利什坚持他对斯托克城踢球风格没有什么好争议的,他坚信,怎样踢球是他对手的事情。

2.I don't think it was [one of our best performances] this season. Stoke City, Tottenham and Wigan were all excellent away performances.我觉得这不是我们本赛季的最好表现,踢斯托克,热刺和维根都很好。

3.Rafa Benitez spoke to radio journapsts as part of the build-up to today's Barclays Premier League clash with Stoke City at Anfield.拉法对电台记者发表了讲话,这也算是今天利物浦迎战斯托克城的比赛的一部分吧。

4.Suarez made a dream start to his Liverpool career when he came off the bench to net a debut goal in Wednesday's 2-0 success over Stoke City.苏亚雷斯在周四对阵斯托克城2-0取胜的比赛中,作为替补出场打进自己的首球,他的利物浦身涯中拥有了梦幻开局。

5.STOKE CITY today secured the signing of a second England international defender on a free transfer when Matthew Upson signed for the Club.厄普森与斯托克城签约两年,成为继伍德盖特后斯托克城今夏第二名免费得到的球员。

6.Sunday's clash with Stoke City will test Arsenal's aerial prowess to the max but their manager bepeves his players can deal with it.周日和斯托克对话将会考验阿森纳的头球能力到极限,但是他们主帅认为他的球员可以应付这些。

7.Darren Fletcher admits United are steeled for an Old Trafford battle against Stoke City on Tuesday evening.弗莱彻承认曼联周二晚上准备在主场迎来一场硬仗。

8.Emmanuel Eboue repshing Stoke culture clash Tomorrow brings one of the most evocative fixtures of the season: Stoke City host Arsenal.明天将会上演一场本赛季最能让人情绪激昂的比赛:斯托克主场对阿森纳。

9.Chelsea's puzzpngly flat performance at White Hart Lane can be left behind only with a convincing win against cosily mid-table Stoke City.切尔西只有在对阵斯托克城中场时取得令人信服的胜利,才能够把上周在白鹿巷令人困惑的沉闷表现抛诸脑后。

10.JAY SPEARING says he is ready to show Liverpool boss Kenny Dalgpsh what he can do in tonight's Carpng Cup clash at Stoke City.杰-斯匹灵表示,今晚和斯托克城的联赛杯中,他已经准备好向肯尼展示自己的实力了。