




1.不要拖拖拉拉 ... 拖拖拉拉的 : dilatory 不要拖拖拉拉Stop procrastinating 拖拖拉拉的人 : an afternoon farmer ...

2.做事要果敢 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 Stop procrastinating. 做事要果敢 Take control of your own destiny. 掌握自己的命运 ...

3.停止拖延 ... 2 – Stop Being Negative 停止消极 3 – Stop Procrastinating 停止拖延 4 – Stop Being Mean 不要那么刻薄 ...

4.别再磨磨蹭蹭了 第三名:多照些相片( Take more pictures) 第二名:别再磨磨蹭蹭了( stop procrastinating) 第十名:恋一个爱( Fall in love) ...

5.不要拖拉懒散 When Procrastinating : 当出现拖延时 Stop procrastinating不要拖拉懒散 Stop procrastinating : 别再磨磨蹭蹭了 ...

6.停止延迟 Stop procrastinating .( 切勿拖延) Take control of your own destiny .( 掌握自己的命运) ...

8.别拖了行动起来吧 Student visa chaos 英国学生签证混乱 Stop procrastinating 别拖了行动起来吧 Paralympic facts 残奥会常识 ...


1.Well, I've got the right to ask you to stop procrastinating because I got rid of that habit myself a few days ago.我有资格请您停止拖拉的习惯,因为前几天我刚摒弃了这个习惯。

2.However, if you can't get yourself to stop procrastinating on an ugly task, these are a few ways to move through it.但是,如果你不能及时迅速地开始自己不喜欢的事情,这些就是推动你去做的一些方法。

3.Motivation: Stop procrastinating , move forward. You don't have to rush, just focus on what you need to do today.动力:停止拖沓、向前进。不需要向前赶,只需要关注今天要做什么。

4.Time to stop procrastinating. Clear out the rubbish , and put the money to better use.不要再迟疑了,把这些垃圾清理走,让钱发挥更大的作用。

5.Stop procrastinating . We all put things off. We hope to avoid tasks that are boring, difficult, unpleasant, etc.我们都喜欢把事情拖着不做,都希望能躲开那些枯燥的、困难的和令人不快的任务。

6.It is vital that you take affirmative action on an ongoing basis in order to fully achieve. Stop procrastinating and become an action taker.至关重要的是,为了充分实现它你采取积极行动而且是在持续的基础上,停止拖延,并成为一个行动者。

7.Stop Procrastinating - Finish Something!停止拖延,完成任务

8.If you are a procrastinator, stop procrastinating and start taking action right now.如果你是个磨蹭的人,停止拖沓并且现在就采取行动。

9.Becky: You need to stop procrastinating and get things done now!你不要再推讬了,你现在就去做!

10.so go ! stop procrastinating . it ' s almost christmas.那就去!别再耽误了。快到圣诞节了。