

straight face

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na.1.if someone has a straight face, they look serious even though they are saying something funny or are in a funny situation

1.板着的脸 wander 闲逛;漫游 straight face 板着的脸 petty 小的;不足道的 ...

2.不露表情的脸 springy adj. 有弹力的 straight face 不露表情的脸 unmistakable adj. 明显的;不会弄错的 ...

3.绷着脸 poker face 不动声色 straight face 绷着脸 sad face 愁容 ...

4.不显现表情的脸 ... straight chair 椅背挺直的椅子 straight face 不显现表情的脸 straight from the shoulder 狠狠地 ...

5.面无表情 streak,a blue streak 很快的;机关枪似的 straight face 面无表情 store,in store 准备好(应对) ...

6.直脸 ... 搬弄是非 tale-bearing 板面孔 straight face 半吊子 half-bake man ...

8.阴着脸 ... recalcitrant:refusing to obey orders 执拗的,顽强的 116、straight face阴着脸 ...


1.We've heard people even suggest with a straight face Barcelona would collapse in the face of meaty challenges and a reducer or two.我们甚至听到有人认为巴塞罗那也会在这支充斥着肌肉力量的球队面前崩溃。

2.When she told me that she fell in the mud, it was difficult for me to keep a straight face.当她告诉我她掉到泥坑里,我想不笑都很难。

3."Until recently, it was difficult for business to say with a straight face that the administration was serious about trade, " says Mr Wenk.温克先生说:“过去,工商企业面很难不改色地说---政府是认真对待贸易的。直至最近,情况才有所好转。”

4.but of course he never did. How Harry managed to keep a straight face during these performances is quite beyond me.当然,他再也不会来了。我实在想像不出哈里在这些表演中是怎样装出一本正经的样子的。

5.But reapty is, if you abandon these challenges, you do not know these challenges meet straight face forever is what result.但现实是,如果你放弃这些挑战,你永远都不知道直面这些挑战会是什么结果。

6.But I dared not kiss him, for dad was not always kind to me, and he always kept a straight face.但我不敢去亲爹的脸,因为爹每次见到我时并不总是高高兴兴的,爹经常是板着脸的。

7.And with a straight face you're gonna tell students that America is so star-spangled awesome that we're the only ones who have the freedom.而你居然还一本正经地告诉学生美国已经是世界上独一无二的国家,我们是唯一拥有自由的人!

8.He told me with a straight face that these CDOs were the only way to get rid of the riskiest tranches of Subprime debt.他诚实地告诉我,这些夹层CDO是从可转换次级债中剔除风险最高的债券的唯一出路。

9.It's difficult to see how the writer could have written this with a straight face.难以想象,这篇声明的作者是如何板着脸写下这些的。

10.All in all, the experience made it hard for me to keep a straight face when people referred to whale as a "depcacy. "总之,这次体验让我很难理解为什么人们会把鲸鱼当作一种美食。