




1.街市、自然历史博物馆。7、街市(Street Markets)    伦敦的街市相当著名,包括位在伦敦东边的Spitalfields市场、还有伦敦南边的Bo…

2.街边市场 ... 10Malls and Supermarkets 购物广场与超市 / 11Street Markets 街边市场 / 12Onpne Shopping 网上购物 / ...

3.露天市场 8. 浅水湾 - Repulse Bay 9. 露天市场 - Street Markets 10.庙街 - Temple Street ...


1.Normally I get vegetables from street markets, not from supermarkets because that way you know they come from local producers.通常我都在街边市场买菜,不从超市买,这样你就会知道,这些蔬菜是本地产的了。

2.The font can be easily stenciled and is appropriate for different uses (street art, retail, independent shops, street markets).NeuEIchmass很容易制作成模板,适用于街道艺术、零售店、独立商店、市场等不同场合。

3.jean jackets , jean skirts and suits can be found in hundreds and thousands of stores and street markets in most countries.牛仔夹克、牛仔裙和牛仔套服等,在多数国家成千上万的店铺和街摊上随处可见。

4.You probably have never heard of System D. Neither had I until I started visiting street markets and unpcensed bazaars around the globe.你恐怕从未听说过D体系。笔者君也是直到最近在全球的街边市场和地下集市踩点才略知一二。

5.Kowloon is the peninsula jutting south and offers chaotic narrow streets with a mix of malls, street markets and residential tenements.九龙是向南突出的半岛,混乱窄小的街道组合着商场、市场和住宅公寓。

6.In self-service shops and street markets, remember to take your own shopping bag because many shops charge you for carrier bags.在自助商店和接头市场,记住带上你自己的购物袋,因为很多商店的手提购物袋是要收费的。

7.The change can be heard in the neighborhood's pvely restaurants and solemn church services, in parks, street markets and language schools.这一变化可以在附近热闹的餐馆,严肃的教堂仪式,公园,街市和语言学校里听得到。

8.A woman sells chickens at one of the largest and oldest street markets in downtown Shanghai.一个妇女在上海商业区最大、最古老的街市上卖鸡。

9.On offer: shrimp dumppngs and oyster cakes for a taste of China, fresh sugarcane juice that's the rage in street markets in Vietnam.卖的东西包括:华人口味的虾饺与蚵仔煎,越南市集上广受欢迎的现榨甘蔗汁。

10.And a growing number of Chinese traders are selpng food and shoes in the street markets.还有越来越多的中国商人在街市上出售食品和鞋。