




1.主语和谓语 ... 2.Conjunctions and Interjections( 连词与感叹词) 3.Subject and Predicate主语和谓语) 4.Sentenc…

2.主题与谓词 ... 1. 独立 independence: 2. 主词与述语 Subject and Predicate 3. 正确的结构 Proper Construction ...


1.Might not this bepef and the concept of subject and predicate be a great stupidity?也许这种信仰和主谓划分,是很愚蠢的?

2.NP and VP are essential components of a sentence, comprising the subject and predicate.名词词组和动词词组是句子中最重要的词组,因为它们构成了句子的主语和谓语。

3.Is it the omitted subject and predicate verb of the sentence referred to as the title statement.乎是省略了主语和谓语动词的句子统称为标题语句。

4.Invertthe subject and predicate of a sentence.颠倒主句的主语和谓语。

5.an expression including a subject and predicate but not constituting a complete sentence.(语法上的)一个包括主语和谓语的表达式但不能构成一个完整的句子。

6.We now go closer into the specialty of subject and predicate.现进一步讨论主词与谓词的特性。

7.On Quantifier Method about Distribution of the proposition Nature in Subject and predicate Terms试论性质命题主、谓项周延性的量词方法

8.The Numeral and Agreement Between Subject and Predicate数词与主谓一致

9.Subject and Predicate in Logic and Grammar--Revised Edition逻辑和文法的主题和谓词

10.Agreement between subject and predicate V主语和谓语动词的一致关系