




1.三井住友otland)决定将旗下的RBS 航空出售,一家由日本三井住友(Sumitomo Mitsui)牵头的财团为此支付了相当可观的73亿美元。

4.日本三井住友银行跌11.1%。住友三井资产管理公司(Sumitomo Mitsui)高级经济学家Hiroaki Muto指出:“工业生产的数据非常糟糕。经济形势正 …

6.三井住友资产治理公司别无抉择,只有寄盼望于与重建相干的公共名目上。“ 三井住友资产治理公司((Sumitomo Mitsui)资深分析师Hiroaki Muto表...

7.三井住友集团FJ Financial Group Inc.)与三井住友集团(Sumitomo Mitsui)的投资评等,均由加码降至中立,由於市场担忧失业率攀升,将抑 …


1.It promptly put the cash on deposit at Sumitomo Mitsui, helping the bank through the crisis.东电很快将这笔资金存入在三井住友的账户,帮助后者度过了危机。

2.A spokeswoman for Sumitomo Mitsui, Chika Togawa, said that no decisions had been made by the bank.三井住友发言人ChikaTogawa称,该行还未作出任何决定。

3.Under the plan, Chuo Mitsui will transform into a new holding company tentatively named Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc, the Nikkei said.根据计划,中央三井将转型为一家新的控股公司,暂名为住友三井信托控股(SumitomoMitsuiTrustHoldings)。

4.Similarly , parties at Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group serve only Asahi, a big cpent of the bank .无独有偶的是,银行业的大客户朝日金融集团在他们的派对上只提供朝日啤酒。

5.For the brave, blue chip equities he pkes here include Toyota and Honda, and two of the better banks, Mitsubishi, and Sumitomo Mitsui.对勇敢者来说,他偏爱的蓝筹股包括丰田(Toyota)和本田(Honda)、以及三菱银行(Mitsubishi)和三井住友(SumitomoMitsui)这两家较稳健的银行。

6.Add to that the latest blockbuster Japanese fund raising: Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. last week unveiled a $9. 56 bilpon offering.日本公司也加入了这波筹资交易潮:三井住友金融集团(SumitomoMitsuiFinancialGroupInc.)上周公布了95.6亿美元的筹资计划。

7.Sumitomo Mitsui and Mizuho, the second- and third-largest financial groups respectively, have followed a similar trend.三井住友和瑞穗分列第二和第三大金融集团,它们已经有类似倾向。

8.The shops apply through Japan's Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co. Ltd. , which entered Japanese merchant acceptance business with UnionPay in 2005.这些商店通过三井住友信用卡公司(SumitomoMitsuiCardCo.Ltd.)申请接受,该公司与银联于2005年加入日本商业承兑汇票业务。

9.Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group launched a share issue to raise capital.三井住友金融集团发行股票筹集资金。

10.Few outside Japan bother even to learn the names of Mitsubishi UFJ, Sumitomo Mitsui or Mizuho, Japan's three biggest banks.但是,在日本境外,甚至很少有人愿意费心记住日本前三大银行三菱UFJ,三井住友和瑞穗的名字。