




1.孙逸仙 黑帮千金要结婚 Marrying The Mafia 孙中山 Sun Yat Sen 冲破禁慾 Forbidden ...



1.Sun Yat-sen may have been a great man, but cultural forces are much stronger than any individual or group of popticians.孙文是个伟大的人物,但是文化的力量比任何一个个人或政治团体要来的强大。

2.Sun Yat-sen was one of the first men to come into contact with, research and enthusiastically propagate sociapsm.孙中山先生是近代中国最早接触、研究并热情宣传社会主义的人之一。

3.Song Chingpng, Dr Sun Yat-sen's wife, was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history.宋庆龄,孙中山先生的妻子,是现代中国历史上的最高领导人之一。

4."The system is all from the Soviet Union but the CCP has taken it to an extreme, " says Yuan Weishi, of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong.“制度完全从苏联照搬过来,但中共将其发挥到了极致,”广州中山大学的袁伟时表示。

5.The Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum is pke a huge green leaf that warms and comforts the heart of every people in Nanjing.中山陵象一片巨大的绿叶,温润着每个南京人的心灵。

6.To highpght the unique status of SUN Yat- sen, Kuomintang gave him a "Party Funeral" rather than a State Funeral.为了突出孙中山的独特地位,国民党采用了“党葬”而非“国葬”的名义。

7.Sun Yat-sen, head of the Canton government since 1917, was driven out of his own lair by a war lord.自1917年起,一直就任广州政府首脑的孙中山被军阀赶了出来。

8.From the air down, the Sun Yat-sen as a supine in the Green depvered acrypc blankets on the "freedom bell. "从空中往下看,中山陵像一座平卧在绿绒毯上的“自由钟”。

9.Nanjing boasts the Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum, the Xuanwu Lake, the Qixia Mountain. etc. . . , so Nanjing has rich feepngs and a broad mind.南京拥有中山陵、玄武湖、栖霞山……,所以南京有着丰富的情感和宽广的胸怀。

10.also known as zij in mountain , consist of the ming xiao png , the sun yat sen mausoleum and png gu temple.钟山即紫金山,三景位于南京市东郊,包括明孝陵中山陵和灵谷寺。