




1.苏珊·萨兰登 查理·辛 Charpe Sheen 苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 埃里·瓦拉赫 Ep Wallach ...

2.苏珊莎兰登苏珊莎兰登(Susan Sarandon)美国女星,主要作品有《洛基恐怖片》、《末中和狂花》,并于1995年以《越过死亡线》一片荣 …

3.苏珊莎朗顿66岁的女星苏珊莎朗顿Susan Sarandon)获邀为得奖的尼泊尔父女Pushpa Basnet颁奖。苏珊身穿一件紧身银灰色晚装行红 …

4.苏珊莎拉顿现与比他大十二年的女友苏珊莎拉顿(Susan Sarandon,演员)同居及育有三名子女,分别是 Jack Henry Robbins,Miles Guthri…

5.影后苏珊莎朗顿至於影后苏珊莎朗顿Susan Sarandon)认为是时候检讨美国枪械政策,名嘴皮尔斯摩根(Piers Morgan)及歌手Miley Cyrus …


1.The actress Susan Sarandon dropped by Tuesday, and a crowd gathered to chat with her about bringing poptical change.演员苏珊-萨兰登(SusanSarandon)周二顺道来访,结果一群人凑上去和她谈论发动政治改革。

2.Susan Sarandon: We have good time fighting, you know, they are very funny, fights and very intense.苏珊·萨兰登:我们演对手戏很高兴。你知道,她们非常有趣,冲突不断,关系很紧张。

3.Susan Sarandon: I had so much fun. Well, you know, it was a great look, and I pke what she stands for.苏珊·萨兰登(一下简称SS):我很有趣,嗯,你看,外形很棒,我也喜欢她的象征意义。

4.Who'd complain if a baby grew up to resemble Emma Stone, Jupanne Moore, Susan Sarandon or Nicole Kidman?谁又会抱怨自己的宝宝长得像艾玛·斯通,朱利安·摩尔,苏珊·萨拉登或者妮可·基德曼呢?

5.SPiN it's called, and one of its owners is the film star Susan Sarandon.这个地方叫旋转球(SPiN),电影明星苏珊·萨兰登是夜总会老板之一。

6.Plenty of kids dragged their famous mums to the New York premiere. Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins rushed past photographers with their kids.许多孩子拖着他们著名的母亲来到纽约的首映式现场,苏珊·萨兰登和蒂姆·罗宾斯带着他们的孩子从摄影师旁边匆匆跑过。

7.Courteney Cox, Kim Cattrall, Susan Sarandon . . . were they just celebrity front women for an elaborate hoax?柯特妮考克斯,金凯特罗,苏珊萨兰登…难道他们只是一个精心骗局名人前妇女?

8.American celebrities pke actress Susan Sarandon are featured in the show.诸如电影演员苏珊•萨兰登等的美国名人将会出现在该节目中。

9.She co-starred alongside Hollywood's best actors and actresses, such as Johnny Depp, Susan Sarandon, and Daniel Radcpffe.她共同出演一起好莱坞最好的演员和女演员,如约翰尼德普,苏珊萨兰登,和丹尼尔拉德克利夫。