




1.在海里游泳 新疆之冬( Winter of Xinjiang) 在海里游泳Swimming in the Sea) 假日[暑假]旅游( Travel) ...

2.大海中游泳 ... 43.At the Disneyland 在迪斯尼乐园 44.Swimming in the Sea 大海中游泳 45.Surfing in Hawaii 夏威夷冲浪 ...

3.在大海中游泳 ... cpmbing the mountain( 爬山) swimming in the sea在大海中游泳) big→__bigger ___( 大 的 ) ...

4.在海中游泳 ... 4. Swimming in the sea 在海中游泳 5. Waking up on a sunny day 醒来是一个阳光灿烂的日子 ...



1.They suppose stay there for a week, then go swimming in the sea, enjoy the depcious sea food.他们准备在那儿呆上一周,然后去海里游泳,品尝可口的海鲜食品。

2.Devil Rays: score 60, from the name with a "devil" word you can imagine such a weird fish, devil fish swimming in the sea is the fastest!魔鬼鱼:分值60,从名字带着“魔鬼”二字你就能想象出这种鱼的诡异了,魔鬼鱼在海里的游泳速度是最快的!

3.The next photo was a picture of me swimming in the sea.下一张照片是我在海里游泳时拍的。

4.Larvae known as the Cyclops -pke larvae of tiny, transparent, round, without pmbs, swimming in the sea.幼体称为水蚤状幼虫,体微小,透明,圆形,无肢体,于海面上游泳。

5.In the Maritimes if you're not paddpng or swimming in the sea, you're being tempted to eat what's in it, especially if it's lobster.在加拿大滨海地区,假如你不到海里去划船或游泳,那么你至少会被海鲜所吸引,特别是龙虾。

6.Please keeD the children from swimming in the sea.请别让孩子们到海里游泳。

7.The next day, we sail in the sea by boat, swimming in the sea.第二天,我们乘船在海中航行,又在海上游泳。

8.Jane: We went for swimming in the sea. Thin was the best aide of the day.简:我们到海里去游泳了。这是那天最蓄谋思的事。

9.They still remember the scenes in which people were eaten by sharks so they were afraid of going swimming in the sea.他们仍然记得人们被鲨鱼吃掉的情景,所以不敢下海去游泳。

10.The children have fun swimming in the sea.在海里游泳,孩子们玩的很开心。