





1.症状或体征 OT. 旧结核菌 Sx. 症状或体征 PT. 凝血酶原时间 ...


1.With the energy being clean and smooth with no crash when SX wears off, you'll get the same great effects 3 months from now as you do today!随着能源清洁和顺利,没有崩溃当取消退,你会得到同样的巨大影响从现在起3个月为你们今天!

2.SX includes one of the strongest natural appetite suppressants available today.取包括其中一支最强大的自然抑制食欲上市。

3.When render is called, the object draws a line from sx, sy to ex, ey of the color specified by name.当调用render时,这个对象从sx,sy到ex,ey画一条由名字指定的颜色的线。

4.Also known as "the crash" , it's never fun and you will not find this with SX.也被称为“事故”,这是从来没有乐趣,也不会觉得这与取。

5.Powered by a high-revving, in-line, twin-cylinder engine, the big SX satisfied the incessant craving of racers for more power.由双缸发动机的高转速,在线,网,大SX满足不断渴求更多的权力车手。

6.With this smart nutrient added to SX, you'll find that you now have a whole new positive outlook on life!这一智能营养补充,以取,你会发现,你现在有一个全新的积极的人生观!

7.In recent years both their Square shooter and SX-70 cameras have helped them maintain their dominant industry position.近年来,它们的“广场射手”和sx-70照相机帮助它们维持它们的产业主导地位。

8.The Polaroid SX-70 was the first autofocus single-lens reflex camera, released in 1978.宝丽希凯SX-70是第一个自动对焦单镜头反光照相机,于1978年公布。

9.Preliminary results of flow and transport modeling at the 241-S-SX tank farms, hanford site.汉福特场地241-S-SX罐场地流量和运输模拟的初步结果…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。

10.In addition, JL, HLJ and SX operations will organize employees to donate blood at local medical institutions.此外,吉林、黑龙江和山西营运单位将会组织员工到当地的医疗机构义务献血。
