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2.Combining the signal intensity on DWI and T2WI, the infarcts can be approximately staged from the view point of imaging.DWI和T2WI信号强度变化相结合,可从影像学角度大致对脑梗死进行分期。

3.T2WI level mixed signal, which see the flow of air blood film, showed obvious enhanced heterogeneous enhancement.T2WI高低混杂信号,内见流空血管影,增强后可见明显不均匀强化。

4.In 3 cases, gas bubble or gas-pquid level was observed inside of the diverticulum , which was more clearly showed on T2WI.3例憩室内可见散在气泡影或气—液平面,以横轴位T2WI显示较佳。

5.MRI scan suggested uniform T1WI signal, and spght increase in T2WI signal, and enhanced scan suggested even enhancement.MRI平扫,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈稍高信号,增强扫描大部分呈均匀强化。

6.The coronal T1WI image was superior to coronal T2WI and gradient echo images in demonstrating the mandibular nerve.冠状面T1WI图像对下颌神经的显示优于冠状面T2WI及梯度回波序列图像。

7.There were a low signal septum between spinal cord and hematoma on T1WI and T2WI.血肿与脊髓间可见低信号间隔。

8.Materials and Methods: 35 patients with soft - tissue diseases were examined with MR STIR and FSE T2WI.材料和方法:选择了35例软组织疾患者同时行磁共振STIR像和FSET2加权像的扫描。

9.In 1 case with spinal meningeal cyst, ovoid cyst with low signal on T1WI and high signal on T2WI in the sacral canal.骶管内脊膜囊肿1例,骶管内椭圆形在T1WI呈低信号,几期呈高信号影。

10.Results The muscles and fat in nasopharyngeal masticator space of 40 cases (80 sides) were well demonstrated on both T1WI and T2WI images.结果40例80侧鼻咽咀嚼肌间隙内肌肉及脂肪在T1WI及T2WI上均能较好显示;