




1.照顾自己 worry about old age 害怕年老 take care of myself 照顾自己 come true 变成现实 ...

2.照顾好自己发现有些事情是错误的,我会把事情反过来看。这是一种照顾我自己take care of myself)的方式。被误解之后我并非只是 …


1.So I would just as soon spend a pttle time and a pttle effort and a pttle money, and be able to take care of myself and my people.所以我情愿去花一点儿时间、一点儿精力和一点儿钱,以能够照顾我自己和我身边的人。

2.You know what, before my illness, I also had a lover but now look at me, I can't take care of myself so I abandoned him.你知道吗,在我生病之前,也有一位深爱的人。但现在你再看看我,我甚至都照顾不了自己。所以我决定放他自由。

3.As soon as I keep being healthy, that's the key for me in the next few years and then take care of myself, of my body.对于我来说,最重要的是在未来的几年内保持身体健康,照顾好自己和自己的身体。

4.So, what? You gonna throw me out? Fine, you'd actually be doing me a favour. I can take care of myself.那又如何?你要把我赶出去?没关系,你把我赶出去只有好。我可以自己照顾自己。

5.My heart girl, you have to take care of myself, and I sincerely wish you from the heart!我心中的女孩,你要照顾好自己,我由内心衷心的祝福你!

6.I told to my doctor that I have to take care of myself, he said that I am still young, why not?我告诉我的医生,我要照顾自己,他说,我还很年轻,为什么不呢?

7.Maybe I have to take with a pinch of salt. But I must take care of myself next time, or I will take on big responsibipty for this.或许我只能半信半疑了(我只能这样接受了),但是下一次我必须要自己小心点,否则我将因此承担很大的责任。

8.Besides, wasn't that a point of my expensive education--to adequately prepare me to take on the world and take care of myself?况且,我那昂贵的教育的意义之一不就是让我为步入社会后自力更生做好充分准备吗?

9."I will take care of myself, don't worry. " She said peacefully and slowly.“我自己会当心的,你放心吧。”她慢条斯理,一字一句地说。

10.I'm able to take care of myself. I was my own master.我能照顾自己。我是自己的主人。