




1.节奏跑 Fartlek: 法特雷克跑法 Tempo Run节奏跑法 Steady Run: 定速跑法 ...

5.均速跑 第二日:间歇跑( Interval Training) 第三日:均速跑Tempo Run) 第四日:恢复跑( Re…

6.配速跑 「附涡轮引擎」的亚索800公尺 Repeat 800s Turbo 配速跑 Tempo Run 1000公尺重复配速跑 Tempo 10…


1.It seems to me that at least part of the recent resurgence of American distance running has to do with the tempo run.我个人认为,近年来,美国长跑的复苏至少部分地与乳酸门槛跑相关。

2.Toward that end, the weekly tempo run, done at the pace of your lactate threshold, became popular.为此,每周的乳酸门槛跑,按您的乳酸门槛配速,越来越流行。

3.Beginners should start with a tempo run of about 5 minutes and work up to about 20.初学者应当从5分钟的门槛跑开始,慢慢提高到20分钟。

4.What you should do: Do a tempo run once a week for 8 weeks.你应该做的是:一个星期跑一次节奏长跑,坚持8个星期。

5.For example, a good week for a competitive runner would be a tempo run on Monday, hill workout on Thursday, and long run on Sunday.例如,竞赛型跑步者的一周最好是周一节奏跑,周四坡道训练,周日长距离跑。

6.Gradually accelerate to your marathon goal pace, or even your tempo-run pace.渐渐地增加到你的马拉松速度,甚至到你的节奏长跑速度。

7.Turn a 10-mile tempo run into a hill workout.将10-英里乳酸门槛跑,变作坡道训练。

8.Saturday: Race-day tempo run. Warm up, then aim for a pace that's 20 to 30 seconds slower than 5-K goal pace, or 85% of max heart rate.星期六:比赛日配速跑,先热身,然后跑的时候使用的步速比你的5公里目标步速慢20-30秒,或85%最大心率。

9.Start with a 20-minute tempo run at 10 to 20 seconds per mile slower than 10-K race pace, and add 5 minutes to your tempo run every week.刚开始的时候用比10-K比赛每英里慢10-20秒的速度跑20分钟,然后每个星期增加5分钟的时间。

10.One is a long run, one is a tempo run, and one is a speed workout.一个是长跑,一个是节奏跑步,还有一个是速度训练。