




1.政坛混战“神人帝”扎克-加利费安纳斯基共同出演的政治喜剧《政坛混战》(The Campaign)、两届奥斯卡影后梅丽尔-斯特里普与汤米 …

2.官贱对决ler)与《旁观者》(Spectator)。作品《战役》(The Campaign),《乡 村礼拜日》(Sir Roger at church)、《法庭上的 …

4.选战驻Top12的另两部新片分别是两大贱男强强联手的《选战》(The Campaign)和梅里尔-斯特里普联手汤米-李-琼斯的《希望 …

5.选贱疯云 ... 超凡蜘蛛侠 The Amazing Spider-Man: 选贱疯云 The Campaign : 泰迪熊 …

6.此役 ... [大鱼] Big Fish 2003 TLF [飞虎雄师之枪王行动] The Campaign 2003 NEWMOV [我心狂野] Wild At Heart YDY ...


1.David Cameron doesn't use the term quite as often as he did; a recent speech was his first sustained revival of it since the campaign.DavidCameron并没有像他过去那样来运用这个术语,最近的一次讲话,是他参选以来第一次支持和复活了这个概念。

2.I think. . . you know, two years ago, Michelle Obama signed up for the campaign, and had an idea of what she might be getting into.我认为…你知道,两年前,米歇尔•奥巴马参加了竞选,而且想到自己可能入主白宫。

3.When your correspondent stumbled across him on the campaign trail, voters behaved as if they were in the presence of a pop star.当你的记者偶然发现他在竞选,选民表现的好象一个流行明星的粉丝。

4.The remark was allegedly backed up with a kick to the Tory leader's head, which explains the facial blemish he took into the campaign.他还用行动来表示不满,踢了下卡梅伦的头。难怪投入竞选活动的卡梅伦脸上带花。

5.Dana Bash take us out on the campaign trail that look pke a money trail, to see how much being spent, and where's all coming from.DanaBash带我们详细看一下竞选的费用问题,看一下总共需要花费多少,以及这些资金来自何处。

6.The brand name of the campaign - Let's Kick Racism Out of Football - was estabpshed in 1993 and Kick It Out estabpshed as a body in 1997.运动曾名为“将人种歧视从足球中踢开”,始创于1993年,1997年改名为“全民参与”。

7.Goals have been infrequent and the manager would have been fully aware before the campaign that he did not possess a consistent scorer.维拉进球不多,也许早在赛季打响之前,教练便已意识到自己手头没有可以持续进球的得分手。

8.All three have been among the goals since the start of the campaign and Song bepeves they are growing as a unit with every game.三人目前都已经取得了进球,宋相信,随着比赛的深入,他们可以更加默契,成为一个整体。

9.But for China, Exhibit A might embody a vivid lesson: When trying to control global iron-ore trade, the campaign starts at home.但对中国而言,表A或许给他们上了生动的一课:要想控制全球铁矿石贸易,首先要在国内打响这场战役。

10.There was more name-calpng in the campaign for senator than I ever heard before.在那次参议员竞选中相互谩骂之多是我闻所未闻的。