




1.行动者的电影正如德勒兹所观察到的,时间-影像的电影是一种见证者(the seer)的电影,而非行动者的电影the doer)。当主体发生作用 …


1.As kinsmen welcome a dear one on arrival, even so his own good deeds will welcome the doer of good who has gone from this world to the next.同样地,在今生行善者去到来世时,他以前所造的善业会迎接他,如同亲戚迎接亲爱的人归来。

2.It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, the doer of deeds could have done them better.真正令人尊敬的并非那些评论家和那些指出强者是如何跌倒,实干家本该做得更好的人。

3.most of the time , you ll want to write in active voice since the doer is usually the important thing.大多数时候,你需要用到主动语态,因为要强调的是施动者。

4.[Chief of Staff Lewis] Libby was the doer. Libby was a real bureaucrat's dream.参谋长刘易斯.利比是一个实干家,也是一个真正的官僚主义者。

5.E. g. , "John throws the ball" is active voice. The doer of the action, John, precedes the verb.例如,“John投球”是正面的语气,动作的执行者John放在动词前面。

6.After practicing supreme yoga, the doer becomes very reverent to everyone in his association when he enters Samadhi.在修练无上瑜伽之后,每当进入三昧与人交往时,行者对所有的人都变得异常恭敬有礼。

7.It may be ill with the doer of good as long as the good ripens not.只要善业还未成熟,善人依然会遭受痛苦;

8.It is ill, perhaps, with the doer of good until his good deed ripens. But when it bears fruit, then he sees the happy results.直至善事成熟,做善事的人似乎觉得很差;但当善事成熟时,他会欣赏成果。

9.When the agent (the doer of the action) is vague, unimportant or unknown, the phrase BY+AGENT should be omitted in the passive voice.当行动的主体不是很清晰或是不重要时,在被动语态中BY+行动者的短语应该被省略。

10.For a "bigger" favor, that is, one involving more time or effort , the beneficiary may also give a gift to the doer of the favor.对于一件更大的好事,就是说,这件事需要更多的时间或者付出,受益人也可以给做好事的人一些小礼物。