




1.记忆传授人 第一型:完美主义者( The Perfectionist) 第二型:给予者( The Giver) 第三型:实干者( The performre) ...

5.记忆传承人纳思」和社区规则互动对阅读教学的启示 一、前言 《记忆传承人》(The Giver)故事中的人物都活在一整套共同奉为圭臬的模 …

6.记忆受领员 ... The Tree of Song 歌之树 The Giver 送礼的人 April Song 四月之歌 ...

8.记忆施与员忆」──所有痛苦的、烦恼的,或者可能导致社会失序的记忆。这位将成为「记忆施与员」(The Giver)的长者,则已经开始将 …


1.A few coins can save a pfe in some situations, and even if the money is wasted, that does not take away the moral goodness of the giver.有些情况下可以用钱来救命,即使钱可能被浪费,也不会就此打消施予者的仁慈善良之心。

2.The Giver grasped his shoulders firmly. Jonas fell silent and stared at him.记忆传承者用力的抓住他的肩膀。乔纳斯陷入沉默并盯著他。

3.All that comes to you in pfe is a gift, every person on your path is a giver and love is the in the receiving, the gift and the giver.所有进入你生活的都是一份礼物,每个人在你的人生道路上都是一个“赠与者”与“爱”的表达,礼物与“赠与者”。

4.but i never stopped imagining who the giver might be. some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about the sender.但我一直在想象谁可能是送礼者。我最快乐的时光,有些是花在了思考有关发件人。

5.She said the giver should write a romantic note to include in the card. Better yet, she said, tell the man how much you adores him.要在贺卡里夹上一张浪漫字条,告诉他你有多么爱他。

6.The whole reason for saying thanks is to let the giver of a gift know how much you appreciate something.说“谢谢”的唯一理由,乃是要让送礼人知道,你非常感激他的赠礼。

7.They are sweet and lend any garden the air of a seaside spree but, for me, the giver, they had not quite hit the spot.它们很可爱,让任何人家的花园都有了海边狂欢的味道。但对我这个送礼者来说,它们并未达到效果。

8.The Giver looked at him with a questioning smile. Jonas hung his head. Of course they needed to care. It was the meaning of everything.记忆传承者带著疑问的笑容看著他。乔纳斯低下了头。当然他们需要照顾。那是所有事情的意义。

9.So he had enough strength of his own, and had not needed what The Giver might have provided, had there been time.所以他自己拥有有足够力量,而且不需要记忆传承者准备提供给他的,曾经要给他的。

10.To God, the size of the gift, or the skill of the giver is not important; each person is to give to the best of his abipties.对于神,个人所具备恩赐或能力的大小并不重要,重要的是每个人都要发挥自己最大的能力。