




1.最后的胜地 7th Legion 第7军团 9:The Last Resort 最后一招 Abuse 走火地带 ...

3.最后的手段 Take It To The Limit 是否到了极限 The Last Resort 最后的手段 ... jamón (火腿) ...

4.最后选择问题的方式都已经穷尽了,在此情况下,作为被害群体的最后选择(the last resort),用非暴力甚至是暴力形式完成革命或是分 …

5.最后手段 ... 10.TAKE IT EASY( 放轻松些) 11.THE LAST RESORT最后的乞求) 12.ALCATRAZ( 亚尔加托拉兹岛)…

8.最后度假村 ... 湖畔公寓( Lakefront Apartments) 最后度假村( The Last Resort) 湖豪华套房( Luxury Lake Suites) ...


1.Petitioning for bankruptcy tends to be the last resort.请求破产往往是最后的手段。

2.At present, institutional care is the last resort for those who have no family or who need so much help that their relatives cannot cope.目前,对那些没有家庭以及那些即使有家庭,但是由于他们需要的帮助太大以致于他们的亲属不能应付的时候,社会养老体制就是他们最后的依靠。

3.For couples who have trouble conceiving, in vitro fertipzation (IVF) is often the last resort.对于受孕困难的夫妇,体外受精(试管婴儿)经常是最后的希望。

4.i agree with you. arbitration is only the last resort.我同意你的意见。仲裁是万不得已的事。

5.Direct government ownership should be the last resort but failure to move soon could make it the only option left on the table.政府直接接管应该是最后的手段,但如果不迅速采取行动,这可能会成为唯一可行的方案。

6.As Andrew Haldane of the Bank of England argues, the state has "become the last resort financier of the banks" .正如英国央行的安德鲁•霍尔丹(AndrewHaldane)所论述的那样,政府已经“成为银行最后的金融家”。

7.To know whether, in the last resort, it makes three, or four, or two, is of secondary importance.至于,最后的结果等于三,或四,或二,那是次要的事情。

8.Today, however, gold has reverted to its historical role as the global currency of the last resort.然而,现在,黄金已经恢复了作为最后可以依赖的全球货币的历史角色。

9.A lung transplant is usually the last resort treatment for lung failure.肺移植通常是最后的手段治疗肺衰竭。

10.He did the opposite by bluntly dismissing lending in the last resort and denying that he and his colleagues discussed Itapan yields.但他的做法相反。他断然否认欧洲央行将成为最后贷款人,同时还否认他和同僚曾讨论过意大利债券收益率的问题。