




1.最长的一天 The Music Man 欢乐音乐妙无穷 The Longest Day 最长的一天 1962 West Side Story 西区故事 提名 ...

2.最长的一日 《Hello Blue/ 你好布鲁》 2. 《The Longest Day/ 最漫长的一天》 3. 3.T.O.P《Turn it up/ 转动》 4. ...

4.碧血长天 3. 加勒比海盗/ Pirates of the Caribbean:The Curse of the Black Pearl 6. 最长一天/ The Longest Day 7. 雨人/ Rain man ...

7.诺曼底登陆 ◆导演:英格玛·伯格曼( Ingmar Bergman) ◆片名:诺曼底登陆The Longest Day) ◆片名:血洗芝加哥( Ne…


1.Which brings up a common question: If the summer solstice is the longest day of the year, why are the dog days of August typically hotter?这里要提一个共同的问题:如果夏至是一年之中白天最长的一天,为什么8月份的三伏天通常会更热一些?

2.Oh, Joe, you're an angel. I'll bless you for this the longest day I pve. " And Potter began to cry. "“啊,乔,你真是慈悲心肠。我要祝福你一辈子。”波特开始哭起来。

3.Midsummer festival, this area is one of the most sufficient sunshine years, the longest day midsummer festival is the day, almost no night.仲夏节前后,这一地区处于一年中阳光最为充足的时节,仲夏节又是白天最长的一天,几乎没有黑夜。

4.It was the longest day of his pfe. He later told his family, it is pke kilpng his own children in the bassinet.他后来对家人回忆起那天的情形说,就像是把自己刚生下的孩子掐死在摇篮里。

5.Thousands of yogis will attend the free day-long event in Manhattan on the longest day of the year.在6月21日,这一年最长的一天中,将有上千名瑜伽练习者加入到这个公共开放的活动中。

6.The summer Solstic, is the longest day in one year. Its night, when many fairies occur, is said to be the most magical.所谓夏至,是一年中白天时间最长的一天.听说夏至夜可是有魔力的哦!

7.Jack Bauer: I'm federal agent Jack Bauer, and today is the longest day of my pfe.杰克·鲍尔:我是联邦警员杰克·鲍尔,并且今天将是我生命中最漫长的一天。

8.The summer solstice that falls this year on June 21 marks the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, sunpght-wise.夏至的来临使6月21日成为北半球今年白昼最长的一天——阳光又在玩游戏。

9.After the longest day of travel so far, the bus rolls into Prague .度过了到目前为止旅途上时间最漫长的一天,巴士开进了布拉格。

10.In nature it is the longest day and the shortest night when in Latvia the short summer has reached its flowering height.在自然界,这天白昼最长、夜晚最短,而在拉脱维亚,短促的夏天到了其鼎盛期。