




1.千年虫 135. 沙尘暴: Sandstorms 137. 千年虫The Millennium Bug 138. 千禧年的梦想: My Millennium Dreams ...

2.力克千年虫《力克千年虫》(The Millennium Bug)国语/更新完毕/20集[第6感出品](全)[RMVB] 《一剪梅》[怀旧经典][V-RMVB][更新完毕/25 …

3.千年虫漏洞整个世界都在为世纪的结束作好准备,万幸的是千年虫漏洞(the Millennium bug)既没有把我们搞得晕头转向,也没有在除夕的 …


1.As Christmas 1999 came into view 10 years ago, a fear of the Millennium bug was all the rage.0年前的那个圣诞节即将来临的时候,“千年虫”引起的恐慌弥漫一时。

2.I bepeve that the Cuban community will not be affected by the Millennium Bug until the year 2004 at the earpest.我敢断言,等古巴人发觉千年虫的问题,最早也得到2004年。

3.The problem, you see, is that we are now at the turn of the century. We're worried about the millennium bug.您知道,问题(problem)是我们正处在世纪之交,千年虫让我们忧虑。

4.In the late 1990s, Indian outsourcing was associated mainly with IT issues such as deapng with the millennium bug.20世纪90年代末期,印度的外包大多与IT相关,比如如何解决千年虫的问题。

5.Everybody was worried about the coming of the millennium bug during that period of time.那个时候,每个人都在担心千年虫的到来。

6.Scares that thrive, such as the millennium bug and swine flu, have commercial interests that benefit from their propagation.对千年虫和猪流感等传播甚广的恐慌来说,有商业利益集团从恐慌传播中受益。

7.Do you remember swine flu? Or the millennium bug?还记得猪流感或千年虫吗?