




1.敞开的窗户 Herbert George Wells 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯 The Open Window 敞开的窗户 Saki 萨基 ...

2.敞开的窗子 ... 墙上的斑点 The Mark on the Wall 敞开着的窗户 The Open Window 质量 Qu…

5.打开的窗 ... 27 The Funeral 葬礼 28 The Open Window 打开的窗 31 Love in Bloom 亲情 …

6.窗外鬼影 ... 10. Letter from the Understudy 戏里戏外 1.The Open Window 窗外鬼影 2.Staley Fleming's Hallucination 死亡幻觉 ...

7.打开的窗户 画 名 : 打开的窗户 The Open Window 画 作 材 质 : 油彩.画布 Oil on canvas ...


1.Then one evening, Sara was in her attic when she heard a noise on the roof. She looked up - and there at the open window was a small monkey.一天晚上,萨拉正在屋里待着,这时她听到房顶上有什么动静。她抬头看去——只见开着的窗户上有一只小猴子。

2.Indeed the poor bird had good reason to be sad, for it had been caught and put into a cage close by the open window.确实这只可怜的小鸟有理由伤心,因为他被捉进靠着打开的窗户的鸟笼里。

3.The child was staring out through the open window with a dazed horror in her eyes.那个女孩朝开着的窗往外凝视着,眼睛里带着茫然的恐惧。

4.I should have followed him through the open window if I had been stronger. As it was, I rang the bell and roused the house.假如我更为结实的话,我早就跟随他从窗口跳出动了。实际上,我只是按铃把全家人叫醒。

5.I jumped up to catch them but unluckily a few sheets sailed out of the open window.我跳起身来去抓,但倒霉的是,还是有一些纸从窗口飘走了。

6.The next night when she stood by the open window and looked up through the sea, she thought she could hear the bells ringing.第二天晚上,她站在开着的窗户边,透过海水朝上望着的时候,她认为她能够听到钟的响声。

7.The thief looked around the house. When he made sure that no one was noticing him, he jumped into the room through the open window.小偷向房子四周张望,当他确信没人注意他的时候,迅速从开着的窗户跳进房间。

8.Age spghtly larger insects, larvae are browsing mesophyll, leaving only a layer of skin, known as the "open window. "虫龄稍大,幼虫则啃食叶肉,仅留下一层表皮,称之为“开天窗”。

9.Mrs Linton sat in a loose, white dress, with a pght shawl over her shoulders, in the recess of the open window, as usual.林惇夫人穿着一件宽大的白衣服,和往常一样,坐在一个敞开着窗子的凹处,肩上披着一条薄薄的肩巾。

10.Often, we spend so much energy banging on closed doors that we forget to feel the breeze through the open window.我们往往花太多的精力去砰砰敲打关闭着的门,而忘记了去感受从开着的窗户中吹来的微风。