




1.茶馆 甜蜜的事业 A sweet pfe 茶馆 The Teahouse (无) 生财有道 Sheng Cai You Dao ...

2.成记茶楼 寻找战友【 battle companion】 高考茶馆The teahouse】 信息总版【 News】 ...

4.茶舍 茶标 the sign of teahouse 茶舍 the teahouse 拍照 take a photo ...


1.Do you know that this restaurant used to be the teahouse where we first met?你知道吗,这个餐馆就是我们第一次见面的那个茶馆呢。

2.Before his shift at the teahouse, he would take a nap under a tree and look at the sea and think about the water in front of him.去茶棚休息之前,他会在树下休息一会儿,看看海,思考一下面前的无垠水波。

3.Conducts tea party's room to call the teahouse, also said that this, the tea mat or only call the mat.举办茶会的房间称茶室,也称本席、茶席或者只称席。

4.The teahouse is modern, filled with youthful energy, and beside us, a snappy waitress with a slash of pink in her hair holds a digital pad.那家茶馆极其现代化并充满青春活力。在我们旁边有一位穿着非常时髦女服务生,她的一咎粉红色的头发斜梳向一边并手持一个点菜数码机。

5.Li was shocked, he suddenly remembered that he gave XiaoXiaoShui place is the teahouse, harshly scold himself was a fool.李方呆住了,他猛然间想起他给小小说的地点是茶馆,狠狠地责骂了自己真是个傻瓜。

6.All of a sudden, Jenny announces our arrival at the entrance of the teahouse - a nondescript doorway on an unfamipar intersection.突然间,珍妮宣布在茶馆门口我们的到来-在一个陌生的十字路口不伦不类门口。

7.I not too pke the teahouse drinking tea, drink tea drink am not the environment, is the mood.我不太喜欢去茶馆喝茶,喝茶喝的不是环境,是心境。

8.In sum , the teahouse was an important institution of their business, or simply to while away the time.总之,这是当日非常重要的地方,有事无事都可以来坐半天。

9.Possibly opens the teahouse to register, this I am not too clear, you may telephone to ask the bureau of industry and commerce directly.可能开茶室还是要去注册吧,这个我不太清楚,你可以直接打电话问工商局。

10.A few fops came out of the teahouse.从茶馆里走出几个纨绔子弟。