




1.沃尔登 Uncle Vanya( 万尼亚舅舅) THE WARDEN( 沃尔登) The Three Taverns( 三家酒 …

2.养老院院长 儿子与情人 Son and Lovers 养老院院长 The Warden 因特网的故事 The Story of the Inter…

3.典狱长 Hunting Sketches 狩猎杂记 The Warden 瓦尔登湖 The Prisoner of Zenda 曾达的囚徒 ...

5.窝蹲 ... Lepana - 雷利安娜 The Warden - 窝蹲 Morrigan - 莫里根 ...

6.养老院长他的成名作《养老院长》(The Warden)与《巴契斯特寺院》(Barchester Towers)先后发表于1855及1857年。随后他的其 …


1.After he escaped and was caught for the second time, the warden and guards were determined not to let Luke make fools of them a third time.他第二次越狱,被抓住以后,监狱长和守卫都觉得再也不能被卢克愚弄了。

2.The matter was debated further over the next few years, with all talks of invasion stalled by the Warden Khans.接下来的几年一直在辩论,所有有关入侵的对话都被守望者派可汗停止了。

3.The letter closed with sincere greetings which I did not think referred to me, but to the fact that the warden was sincere about the issue.这封信结尾真诚的问候我认为不是跟我说的,而是那个监狱长对待此问题倒是很真诚的。

4.There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon, which had been signed that morning by the governor.到了那里,监狱长将一张赦免书递给基米,这是今天早上州长签署的。

5.Bpnk - Teleports the Warden a short distance, allowing her to move in and out of combat.闪烁-短距离传送守卫者,允许她从战斗中移进或移出。

6."You've got to help me, " Lincoln begs Pope as he stands shackled in the warden's office.“你必须得帮帮我,”Lincoln戴着全副镣铐站在狱长办公室内向Pope求情。

7.As the Warden turns to leave, Lincoln asks Pope who was in the viewing room for his execution.狱长转身准备离开,Lincoln向他询问,在行刑时观刑室里的都是些什么人。

8.The Warden clapped his big hand on the young man's shoulder, then jumped ashore and went on to another boat.水保用他那大而厚的手掌,拍了一下年青人的肩膊,从船头跃上岸,走到别一个船上去了。

9.So the warden assigned two popcemen armed to the teeth and accompanied him to see his son.于是,监狱长派了两名全副武装的警察护送他去见他的儿子。

10.The Future Is Now-The Choice is yours As two men were about to be sent into prison, the warden let each of them make a demand.未来在于现在,选择则在你的手中就在两个人即将入狱之时,看守让他们每个人提一个要求。美国人喜欢抽烟,于是要了三大箱的雪茄;