




1.木桥 Cam) 连通皇后学院院区,用plank做材料所建造的一座桥。它的正式名称就叫木头桥 (the Wooden Bridge),现在桥的两端均 …

3.正式名称为木桥 Christ church( 基督教会学院) 数学桥-正式名称为木桥( The Wooden Bridge) 但隔天我们又到了另一所学府-牛津( Oxford) ...


1.That seemed pke overkill until we crossed the wooden bridge over a waterfall, where the trail took a sharp turn upward.伸展在木板路上方是可以拉手的黑色塑料网罩,这好像有点多余,直到我们过了架设在瀑布上的木桥,小道转了一个急弯开始向上。

2.The wooden bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of lorries.这座木桥不够坚固,载重货车不能通行。

3.The wooden bridge failed to hold and crashed into the river below.木桥顶不住了,倾坍到河里。

4.The wooden bridge was carried away by the flood this August.这座木桥在今年八月份被洪水冲走了。

5.They found the wooden bridge washed away by the flood.他们发现木桥被洪水冲走了。

6.The tramp of horses' hoofs sounds from the wooden bridge.木桥那边传来了踢嗒踢嗒的马啼声。

7.The wooden bridge was washed away by the flood.通向村子的木桥被洪水冲走了。

8.It took us a whole winter to build the wooden bridge.我们花了整整一个冬天建造了这座木桥。

9.The wooden bridge trembled as we crossed it.当我们走过木桥时,这木桥直摇晃。

10.We must walk over the wooden bridge to go the park.我们必须走过那座木桥才能到达公园。