




1.阿奎那 - 圣·奥古斯丁( St. Augustine) - 托马斯·阿奎那( Thomas Aquinas) - 席德佳( Hildegard of Bingen) ...

3.多玛斯 安瑟伦( Anselm) 亚奎那( Thomas Aquinas) 赎罪( Atonement) ...


1.The word does not have quite such a full-blooded * meaning now as it had in the times of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.现在这个词可不象圣•奥古斯汀和托马斯•阿奎那时代那样拥有非常纯粹的意义了。

2.St. Thomas Aquinas ( 1226 - 1274) was one of the greatest philosophers of all time.圣托马斯。阿奎那(1226—1274)是有史以来最伟大的哲学家之一。

3.St. Thomas Aquinas The end of every maker is himself .圣托马斯•亚奎那每个创造者的末日就是他自己。

4.A few months after father died, my husband and son were preparing to attend a retreat at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, Minnesota.在我父亲去世几个月之后,我丈夫和儿子都准备要到明尼苏达州的威诺纳市圣托马斯·阿奎那神学院的疗养所去。

5.To put it in the terms of Saint Thomas Aquinas, an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal and natural law.用圣托马斯.阿奎那斯的话来说,一个不公正的法律是一种并非植根于永恒和自然法则的人类法律。

6.Thomas Aquinas' concept of the organic society and the need for virtue fits well with aspects of Confucian ethics.托马斯•阿奎纳提出的有机社会和美德需求的概念,与儒家伦理的某些方面不谋而合。

7.The article deals briefly with the doctrine of Thomas Aquinas on the Divine Law and its relationship with Natural Law.本文简要地論述了阿奎那关于神法及其与自然法的关系的学說。

8.Now I could go on and talk about the Thomas Aquinas stuff, but it's just there as examples.我本来要继续讲托马斯·阿奎奈的内容,现在简单用他作个例子。

9.Thomas Aquinas pointed out that human's passion has become a rational capabipty due to the participation in the reason.人的激情因分有理性,而成为一种具有理性的自由能力和伦理德行的主体。

10.St. Thomas Aquinas, whose theories and writings have become the cornerstone of the Roman Cathopc Church, died.托马斯·阿奎那去世,他的理论和作品可谓是罗马天主教堂的奠基石。