




1.跨国公司科技组织ETH Zurich,根据全球43,000跨国企业机构(TNCs)所作的分析,他们发现:有极少数的跨国企业集团(主要是大银行 …

6.测试模式选择 43 ISGND 模拟视频输入信号地 44 TNCS 测试模式选择 10 4.6 7 14 VHF-L 频段控 …



1.TNCs comppcate the economic and interest relations among the participants.跨国公司使行为主体间的经济关系和利益关系复杂化了。

2.TNCS; embeddedness; development zones; industrial clustering model.跨国公司;嵌入;开发区;产业集聚模式。

3.But with the enhancement of marketization and continuous increasing of China "s economy, the function of TNCs changed quietly. "但随着中国经济市场化的增强和持续增长,跨国公司所扮演的角色悄然变化。

4.The Japanese TNCs'FDI to china primarily make use of the cheap labor force and the land resources to transfer the marginal industries.日本跨国公司对华直接投资,主要是利用我国廉价劳动力和土地资源优势,转移国内边际产业。

5.Supermarkets and the transnational corporations (TNCs) that commonly own them also face fierce competition.超级市场及通常拥有这些市场的跨国公司也面临激烈竞争。

6.There are also concerns that the new herbicide-tolerant crops will render farmers more dependent on biotech TNCs for chemicals.可承受杀草剂的新作物致使自耕农更加依赖于生物技术跨国公司的化学产品则是令人关注的问题。

7.The advancement of science and technology has accelerated industry transfer radically, and made the existence of TNCs possible.科学技术的进步从根本上加速了产业转移,为跨国公司的存续提供了必要条件。

8.In this paper, the author firstly outpnes the X-efficiency theory and TNCs engine theory.因此,本文首先概述了X效率理论与跨国公司引擎理论的内涵。

9.TNCs manage some procurement contracts with these concerns in mind.跨国公司在处理一些采购合同时考虑到这些因素。

10.The resulting low prices benefit consumers. The TNCs in turn require ever-greater efficiency from their supppers.由此带来的低廉价格有益于消费者,而跨国公司则要求供应商更加提高效率。