


美式发音: [ˈtɔɪlət] 英式发音: ['tɔɪlət]



复数:toilets  搭配同义词

v.+n.use toilet,flush toilet

adj.+n.pubpc toilet

n.bathing,bathroom,chamber pot,commode,dressing



1.[c]坐便器;抽水马桶a large bowl attached to a pipe that you sit on or stand over when you get rid of waste matter from your body

Have you flushed the toilet?你冲厕所了吗?

I need to go to the toilet(= use the toilet) .我得去趟洗手间。

a toilet seat马桶座圈

toilet facipties卫生设施

Do you need the toilet ?你需要用洗手间吗?

2.[c]厕所;卫生间;盥洗室a room containing a toilet

Every flat has its own bathroom and toilet.每套公寓都带有洗澡间和盥洗室。

Who's in the toilet?谁在用厕所?

3.[c](有几个分隔坐便器的)厕所间,厕所a room or small building containing several toilets, each in a separate smaller room

pubpc toilets公共厕所

Could you tell me where the ladies' toilet is, please?请问哪里有女厕所?

4.[u]梳洗;打扮the process of washing and dressing yourself, arranging your hair, etc.


n.1.a structure pke a seat over a hole where you get rid of waste from your body2.a room in a house or pubpc building that contains a toilet. The usual American word is bathroom3.the process of washing and getting dressed4.a cleansing of part of the body after a medical or surgical procedure, often in preparation for applying dressings or bandages1.a structure pke a seat over a hole where you get rid of waste from your body2.a room in a house or pubpc building that contains a toilet. The usual American word is bathroom3.the process of washing and getting dressed4.a cleansing of part of the body after a medical or surgical procedure, often in preparation for applying dressings or bandages

1.厕所 deny vt. 否定,否认;拒绝接受,拒绝给予 toilet n. 盥洗室;厕所 eyewitness n. 目击者;见证人 ...

2.卫生间 家 home 卫生间 toilet 路 road ...

3.盥洗室 deny vt. 否定,否认;拒绝接受,拒绝给予 toilet n. 盥洗室;厕所 eyewitness n. 目击者;见证人 ...

4.马桶 shit 拉屎 toilet 马桶 laptop 笔记本电脑 ...

5.洗手间 洗手〖 washone’shand〗 洗手间toilet;lavatory〗 洗刷〖 wash〗 ...

6.座便器 浴室挂件 Bathroom pendant 座便器 Toilet 蹲便器 Squatting pan W.C ...

7.抽水马桶 stove 炉子 toilet 抽水马桶 umbrella 伞 ...

8.浴室 tinnitus n. 耳鸣 toilet n. 梳妆;盥洗室;浴室;厕所 toll n. 捐税;通过税;长途电话费;伤亡人 ...


1.It irritated her beyond measure to see the regularity with which he went through the unvarying process of his toilet.看见他总是有规律地每天毫无变化地在同一时间进洗手间,也使她火气冲天。

2.Think, also, of the ladies of the land weaving toilet cushions against the last day, not to betray too green an interest in their fates!再请想一想,这个大陆上的妇人们,编织着梳妆用的软垫,以便临死之日用,对她们自己的命运丝毫也不关心!

3."The toilet, a vanity project of the city administration, has no practical significance at all, " wrote a blogger on Sina. com.有新浪网的博客说,“这个公厕就是市政局的面子工程,没有一点实际作用。”

4.And today our Toilet ISP team is pleased to be leading the way through the sewers, up out of your toilet and -- splat -- right onto your PC.如今,我们的厕所ISP团队对于能领先于这一领域感到很高兴,实现了个人电脑与厕所中下水道的连接。

5.They were making a bit of toilet sociably together in Mrs. Baroda's dressing-room.在巴罗达夫人的更衣室里,他们稍加梳洗。

6.But I do hate buying bottles of water, and toilet rolls would be easy to just put in your trolley without paying.但我讨厌要花钱去买的是瓶装水和卫生纸,它们很容易不付钱就放进你的小推车。

7.The next day, the child began to use the toilet regularly, Dr. Kazdin recalls, and the parents were stunned.卡兹丁博士回忆说,第二天孩子就开始经常用厕所了,家长感到很惊讶。

8.I feel if I stopped cleaning the toilet one day it would be a bad sign, and I'd let myself go more and more till I was desperate.我觉得如果有一天我停止清扫盥洗室,那将是一个不好的标志,我得让自己越走越远,直到我完全绝望。

9.Is the attempt to make environmentally friendly roadways doomed to wind up in the toilet?建造环保道路一定要拆除沿途的厕所吗?

10.While sitting on a metal toilet in his cell attempting to fix his small TV set, he bit into a wire and was electrocuted .然而,当他坐在自己的牢房的金属马桶上修理自己的小电视的时候,一小根电线导致他触电身亡。