


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:总蛋白(Total Protein);总磷(Total Phosphorus);血清总蛋白



abbr.1.Timor Leste2.triple play3.toilet paper4.township5.troop1.Timor Leste2.triple play3.toilet paper4.township5.troop

1.总蛋白(Total Protein)总蛋白(TP):增高有(1)血清水分减少,而使总蛋白TP)浓度相对增高。(2)血清蛋白合成增加。

2.总磷(Total Phosphorus)其总磷(TP)含量为:丰水期6.43μM,枯水期4.18μM。其中,丰水期颗粒态磷(PP)占74﹪,溶解性磷酸盐(PO4-P)占14﹪;枯水 …

3.血清总蛋白血清总蛋白TP) 、白蛋白(ALB)、球蛋白及白球比值的测定及意义消化吸收定性试验 出血时间(BT)和凝血时间(CT) …

4.梅毒螺旋体(Treponema pallidum)正梅毒螺旋体(TP)属于密螺旋体属苍白螺旋体的苍白亚种,是引起人类梅毒的病原体。TP的人工培养问题迄今仍未解决,直接涂片 …

5.茶多酚(Tea Polyphenols)茶多酚的总量没发生多大变化,因为茶多酚(TP)本身是多种物质的总称并非单一的一种物质.喝茶有保健作用,但他毕竟不是功能性 …

6.双绞线(Twisted Pair)双绞线分为屏蔽双绞线TP)和非屏蔽双绞线(UTP),常用的非屏蔽双绞线按照线径粗细又可以分为5类线..[2013/02/22]现 …


1.The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is usually called "water tower of Asia" due to it's active water cycle.青藏高原由于其非常活跃的水分循环而被称为“亚洲水塔”。

2.Thermotropic liquid crystal polyester(TLCP)and thermoplastic(TP) alloy was one of the high performance materials developed recently.热致液晶聚酯(TLCP)—热塑性塑料(TP)合金是近年开发的新型高性能材料之一。

3.Dark Nova seems to indicate that he will switch to melee stance very soon, after casting a spell or two. So use your TP quickly.黑新星攻击要说明一下:他会迅速转换为格斗姿态之后发动一到两个魔咒.所以要迅速使用你的TP。

4.The young pilot seemed tp pity Duo, as if the American didn't understand something that he did.年轻的机师似乎在怜悯着迪奥,因为这个美国男孩不理解他的所作所为。

5.Conduct basic maintenance activities to ensure effective operational of TP equipment. Reinstate equipment into a production environment.进行设备维护,保证利乐设备有效运行,并恢复设备到生产状态。

6.By means of seeding EM(effective microorganisms) to domestic wastes, the concentration of total phosphorus can BE decreased sharply.向生活污水中接种有效微生物群(EM),能显著地降低其中总磷(TP)的浓度。

7.Since these abilities all require TP, dancers will be required to move to the front lines and engage in melee battle with enemies.所有这些技能都需要使用TP,所以舞者需要在前线同敌人近身作战。

8."I hope you're not one of those boys who sit and watch the school clock" said the principal tp a new boy.我希望你不是那些只坐着盯着学校的表看的男孩之一。

9.Teleporting to a building (using a TP scroll) now shows a white ping-type notification on the minimap for your allies.当(使用TP卷轴)传送至一个建筑时,队友的小地图上会显示一个白色的叹号提示

10.Ans all the quantity to be imposed by this contract terms wil be deducted at the payment of invoice amount tp supplier.由此(检验)条款所产生的一切费用将从供应商所开发票的金额上扣减。