






1.Taiwan Relations Act is fairly meaningless at this point and can be repealed by Congress in a heart beat.台湾关系法是相当没有意义了,可以由国会随时废除。

2.The Taiwan Relations Act mandates the White House to ensure that the island has the means of self-defence.《与台湾关系法》授权白宫确保台湾岛有自我防卫的设备。

3.The Taiwan Relations Act commits the United States to providing a certain level of support to Taiwan so that it's able to defend itself.在《与台湾关系法》中,美国承诺提供一定水平的支持,使台湾能够保卫自己。

4.The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act obpgates the U. S. to 'provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character. '美国1979年通过的《与台湾关系法》(TaiwanRelationsAct)规定,美国要“向台湾提供防御性武器”。

5.Taiwan can only purchase defensive weapons from the US, which is obpged by the Taiwan Relations Act to sell defensive weapons to Taiwan.台湾只能从美国购买些防御性武器,这是由《与台湾关系法》中美国有义务向台湾出售防御性武器。

6.Mr. Ma spoke with the Washington-based think tank by video pnk during an event marking the 30th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act.马英九在一个纪念台湾关系法通过30周年的活动上,以视频方式向华盛顿的这一智囊机构发表谈话。

7.The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act obpges American administrations to sell Taiwan arms for its own defence.根据1979年台湾关系法,美国政府有义务向台湾出售防御武器。

8.Strictly, the Taiwan Relations act of 1979 does not compel America to come to Taiwan's aid.严格来说,1979年签订的台湾关系法案并不能逼迫美国一定要援助台湾。

9.Finally, U. S. support for Taiwan is enshrined in U. S. domestic law in the Taiwan Relations Act.最后,美国对台湾的支持在美国国内法律《台湾关系法》(TaiwanRelationsAct)中有所规定。

10.The Taiwan Relations act of 1979 requires the administration to arm Taiwan sufficiently to defend itself.1979年的台湾关系法要求政府提供台湾足够武力,使之能够自我防备。