




1.阿波罗神殿 ... 11. Secret Shores 神秘的海岸 12. Temple of Apollo 太阳神圣殿 13. The River's Journey 江河之旅 ...

4.阿波罗神殿遗址 10/12(周二) Mykonos 阿波罗圣地 Temple of Apollo 阿缇蜜斯圣地 Temple of Afgdmis ...


1.Engraved at the entrance to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi was the famous maxim "Know thyself. "特尔斐阿波罗神庙入口刻着著名的格言“认识你自己”。

2.On the left the standing columns of the Temple of Apollo are visible.照片左边的阿波罗神庙的石柱依然挺立。

3.Investors can learn a lot from the famous Greek maxim inscribed on the Temple of Apollo's Oracle at Delphi: "Know Thyself" .投资者可以从刻在特尔斐的太阳神神殿上的碑文所记载的著名希腊名言:“了解你自己”学到很多。

4.They desecrated the temple of Apollo and Apollo desecrated their flesh.他们亵渎了阿波罗的神殿,而太阳神也毁掉了他们的肉体。

5.they desecrated the temple of apollo .他们亵渎了阿波罗神庙

6.Seven Doric columns from the Temple of Apollo, which were erected in the 6th century B.这时阿波罗神庙的七根多利斯式柱子,建于公元前6世纪。

7.The 5th century BC Doric Temple of Apollo at the site of Ancient Corinth.公元前5世纪的多利安风格的阿波罗神庙,位于古科林斯。

8.If you're planning a trip to Greece in the future, you'll want to schedule a visit to the temple of Apollo at Delphi.如果你将来计划去希腊旅游,你将按照计划去游览特尔斐阿波罗神庙。

9.your men sacked the temple of apollo , yes你的手下洗劫了阿波罗神殿,是么?