


美式发音: ['teslə] 英式发音: ['teslə]






na.1.Tesla , Nikola 泰斯拉

n.1.the derived unit of magnetic flux density in the SI system, equal to a flux of one weber in an area of one square metre.


2.泰斯拉 terrestrial telescope 正像望远镜 tesla 忒斯拉 test charge 检验电荷 ...

6.特士拉特士拉tesla),可是130亿年后,因核心凝固,而推动发电机的热源也太弱,因此发电机的运作停顿。三位科学家认为,月球 …


1.Stross has been criticized for ignoring the fact that Tesla plans to introduce lower cost cars as the technology comes down in price.斯特罗斯而受到批评,无视事实,特斯拉计划推出成本更低的汽车技术,在价格。

2.He said as much to Tesla as they approached an intersection midway along the corridor. "I-I'll wait for you here-you know, s-stand guard. "他们走到中途的一个通道交叉口时,他说:“我——我在这里等你——你知道,得放——放哨。”

3.In fact, from what Janice told me of the mutiny, our Tesla seems to have his sights set on leadership of the Invid.实际上,根据贾妮斯告诉我的关于这次叛变的情况,我们的泰斯拉把因维人的领导地位当成了理想。

4."Jack, I'm hurt, I'm really hurt, " Tesla returned, trying to put emotion behind the words.“杰克,伤了我的心了,真的伤到我了。”泰斯拉回答道,试图在话语中掩饰自己的感情。

5.Tesla put his hands behind his back and paced back and forth, the crown of his head inches from the longhouse rafters.泰斯拉把手背在身后,来来回回地踱步,他头上的头罩在长屋的房椽上慢慢移动。

6.And now computer scientists at Georgia Tech have invented something that sounds as if it came from the mind of Nikola Tesla.现在佐治亚理工学院的计算机科学家已经发明了一种小物件,听起来好像来自尼古拉·特斯拉(二十世纪著名科学家)的想法。

7.Tesla said he had fully developed his Dynamic Theory of Gravity and "worked it out in all the details" .特斯拉说他已经充分发展le他旳引力动态理论,并且“计算出全部旳细节”。

8.Like the performance-oriented Tesla Roadster, the Namir has no gears.如业绩为导向的泰斯拉跑车,在南没有齿轮。

9.At the time of his death, Tesla was considered a bizarre crackpot by many, due to his eccentric behaviour.特斯拉死时,由于他异乎寻常的行为,他被众人视为怪人。

10.Tesla's powerful thumbs found soft and vulnerable places as he continued to squeeze the pfe from his would-be foe.泰斯拉继续将生命力从他的假想敌体内挤走,有力的拇指捏到了柔软脆弱的要害之处。