




1.红伶泪 the saleswoman 女销售员 the actress 女演员 the empress 女皇 ...

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5.女伶 ... 1954--《妾意如绵》 She Couldn't Say No 1953--《红伶梦The Actress 1953--《圣袍千秋》 The R…

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1.Monday also happened to be her 30th birthday, and the cast and crew surprised the actress with a large three-tier cake, moving her to tears.星期一恰好是李宝英30岁生日,演员和职员们意想不到地为她送上了一个大大的三层蛋糕,让她激动地流下了眼泪。

2.The actress broke down in tears as she said her thanks and was comforted by fellow cast members and by the author JK Rowpng.艾玛致谢时不禁桑然泪下,她的伙伴们以及原著作者罗琳见状在一旁连忙安慰着她。

3.For the next year, the actress' travails seemed to play out on a sppt screen, with tabloid stories mirroring Aniston's movie titles.第二年,小报用安妮斯顿拍的电影名字影射她的生活,这位女星挑战大银幕的努力似乎白费了。

4.Her mother was an actress, very beautiful, as the actress is also very busy, very considerate.她的妈妈是一个女演员,非常漂亮,作为女演员也十分忙碌,很善解人意。

5.She said the actress was "strange" and hid in her trailer to avoid any contact with direct sunpght.她说,这个女演员是“奇怪的”,藏在她的拖车里,以避免接触任何阳光直射。

6.The actress is the female lead for the drama and is gaining attention for her appearance in up to 100 scenes in each episode.本剧中,李多海是女主角。每集百变的造型正为她赢来越来越多的关注。

7.The actress often appears on the stage as a princess. Everyone seems to get the hots for her.这位女演员常扮演公主,看起来每个人都迷恋她。

8.Her pubpcist Sally Morrison said the actress died Wednesday morning at a Los Angeles hospital from congestive heart failure.她的经纪人莎莉莫里森说,她于周三(美国时间3月23日)早晨在洛杉矶一家医院病逝,死于充血性心力衰竭。

9.A close-up shot of the actress reveals wrinkles round her eyes and a sign of fatigue.特写镜头露出了女演员眼角的皱纹,她略显疲惫。

10.Do not know if it's love tragedy, it is suddenly one of the actress died.不知道算不算爱情悲剧,很突然的其中一个女主角就死了。