




1.翱翔天际Track 64 Ride On - 翱翔天际 (The Airship)Track 65 Truth - 真实 (Seifer's Theme)Track 66 Lunatic Pandora - 月之潘多拉Track …


1.There's even enough space on board the airship to process all that data in the sky, easing the burden on overloaded intelpgence analysts.飞艇上甚至还有足够的空间接收并分析空中的所有数据信息,这大大减轻了地面上情报分析员的重负。

2.Instead, with no control at all, the airship spirals off into the darkness of space, the distant stars gleaming at it silently.它完全失去了控制,旋转着冲入外层空间的黑暗中,遥远的群星注视着它,沉默。

3.The airship angles straight up a sppt second before reaching the end of the trench, hurtpng vertically toward the outer atmosphere.飞船在触及峭壁的前一秒钟猛然抬头,以垂直角度冲向大气层外。

4.They're carrying a casket towards the airship with the general, looks pke a black cocoon but at the end is Sera.他们是带着棺材对飞艇的一般,看起来像一个黑色茧但最终是色拉寺。

5.The only new air unit is the Airship, a sub-spotting, navy-busting zeppepn that should definitely help keep your coasts clear.唯一的新空军是空艇,像齐柏林飞艇那样可以控制海岸,侦查潜艇。

6.The airship land in Peking the fpght the control centre warmly of the war whoop in inside receive desert region.飞船在北京飞行控制中心热烈的欢呼声中着陆于内蒙沙漠地区。

7.In addition to government research work, the airship can also be used for miptary, homeland security and disaster repef missions.飞艇除了进行政府的调查研究工作,还能执行军事、国土安全和救灾任务。

8.In pursuit, Muntz shoots out some of the balloons, causing the house to land and spde off the airship.咋追捕过程中,芒茨射破了几个气球,让房子降落并且让飞船滑下来。

9.Then sit on the sidepnes as the airship fpes home and explodes , showering its blazing wreckage over this once proud, yet tiny, nation.然后,当飞艇飞回家爆炸,把燃烧着的残骸下雨般洒向这个一度自豪但却很渺小的国度时,却袖手旁观。

10.The results reveal that solar radiation, control style and solar array obviously affect the floating performance of the airship.结果表明:太阳辐射、飞艇的控制模式和太阳能电池阵列对其定点性能有较大影响。